unit 6B Book II 新视野大学英语第二册课件.ppt

unit 6B Book II 新视野大学英语第二册课件.ppt

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unit 6B Book II 新视野大学英语第二册课件

Unit 6 Section B Judge by Appearance New words 1. valid 1 a valid ticket, document, or agreement is legally or officially acceptable -- a valid credit card/ passport /password 反义词: invalid 2 valid reason/argument/criticism 正当的[有根据的]理由/论点/根据等 2. validate 1 formal to confirm: --to validate a claim/ theory 证实说法/理论 2 to make sth leally valid: --to validate a contract 使合同生效 3. conceal [transitive] formal 1 to hide something carefully: --Customs officers found the drugs concealed inside the case. 海关关员发现了藏在手提箱里的毒品。 2 to hide your real feelings or the truth: --She tried to conceal the fact that she was pregnant. 她试图掩盖怀孕的事实。 conceal sth from sb --She tried to conceal her pregnancy from her family. 4. mild 1.weather fairly warm [≠?cold]: -- a mild climate / winter 温和的气候/冬季 2.illness a mild illness or health problem is not serious: --a mild infection. 轻微感染 3.character a mild person has a gentle character and does not easily get angry: --He is a mild, well-mannered man who rarely raised his voice. 他是个很温和有风度的男人,很少会大嗓门说话。 5. exclusive a. 1 available or belonging only to particular people, and not shared exclusive report/interview/coverage 独家报道/采访/披露 2 exclusive places, organizations, clothes etc are so expensive that not many people can afford to use or buy them: --an exclusive school / hotel 贵族学校/ 高档宾馆 exclusive n. an important or exciting story that is printed in only one newspaper, because that newspaper was the first to find out about it: --a New York Post exclusive about the Kennedy marriage 纽约邮报对肯尼迪婚姻的独家新闻 6. wander without direction to walk slowly across or around an area, usually without a clear direction or purpose --Ill wander around the mall for half an hour. --She wandered aimlessly about the house. 7. blend V [transitive] to thoroughly mix together soft or liquid substances to form a single smooth substance: Blend the sugar, eggs, and flour. -- The old house blends in perfectly with the countryside. 这所老房子和乡村环境完美融合


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