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虚 拟 语 气If I were a teacher, I would be strict with my students. If it should snow tomorrow, they couldn’t go out. 4)If虚拟语气的具体分析: 1. 表示与现在事实相反的假设,其if 从句的用动词的过去式(),主句用would/ should/ could/ might +动词原形。   1) If places ______ a like, there would be little need for geographers地理学家   2) If I _____ the meaning of the word, I wouldnt have to look it up.   2. 表示与过去事实相反的假设,if 从句用过去完成时即had+过去分词,主句用would / should / could / might + have +过去分词。   We didnt know his telephone number, otherwise we _____ him,   A) would have telephoned    B) must have telephoned   C) would telephone       D) had telephoned   3. 表示对将来实现的可能性很小的或不确定的假设。If从句的谓语形式用一般过去式或用were to / should +动词原形,主句用would / should /could/ might +动词原形。   Jean doesnt want to work right away because she thinks that if she ______ a job she probably wouldnt be able to see her friends very often.   4. 省略if 采用倒装语序的条件句将had , should, were 等词提到主语之前,即用倒装结构。(这种结构在口语中很少使用)。   Had he worked harder, he _____ the exams. get through) 5)宾语从句中的虚拟语气 一、wish 后面宾语从句中的虚拟语气。按“后退一步法”处理从句的谓语动词。 二、表示“要求、建议、命令”等动词后面的宾语从句中的虚拟语气从句中用“should + 动词原形”构成 三、would rather +从句,在这种结构中,从句的位于动词用过去形式表示虚拟。 6)主语从句中的虚拟语气 一、It be + 形容词 + that ...(should)... 二、It be + 过去分词 + that ...(should).... 三、It is time(about time, high time)that ...(过去式动词形式或should+动词原形).... 7)表语从句、同位语从句中的虚拟语气 在suggestion, proposal, order, plan, idea, advice, decision等表语从句、同位语从句中,要使用虚拟语气。其谓语动词应用:should+原形动词。 翻译练习 1. Why is she looking at me?????????????????????? (像是她认识我似的)? Ihave never seen her before in my life. 2. I avoided mentioning the sensitive subject lest ?????????????????????? (触犯他)。 3.But for his wife’s help, he _________________(是不会成功的) 4. ______________(要不是因为我生病了), I would have lent him a helping hand. 5. We are all for your proposal that _____________________(延迟讨论).6. we did not know his phone number, ______________ (否则我们会给他打电话的). here, there, up, down, out, away, now, then, There was a sudden gust of wind and away went his hat. In each room are ten students. 注意:在以here, there, now, t


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