8A unit6 welcome to the unit 公开课教案.ppt

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8A unit6 welcome to the unit 公开课教案

1. People are afraid of an __________.(地震) 2. They went on through the___________.(暴风雨) 3. They heard a loud noise like ________. (雷声) 4. Look! The two balls are _______together.(碰撞) 5. A _______washed the village away.(洪水) 6. There is no plant life without ___________. (闪电) 1.The floor is all wet, I will m____ it up. 2.Many people lost their lives in the traffic a_______. 3.There are many natural d______ in the world. 4. I am afraid I can’t go home w______ you, or I’ll be frightened. 5. Last week Jin c_______ into a bus and hurt himself badly. 6. Yesterday a boy climbed a tall tree and unluckily he f_____ from it and h_______ his legs. * Unit 6 Natural disasters Comic strip Welcome to the unit What’s the weather like in the following pictures? Friday sunny What fine weather! go camping outside rainy make people wet What bad weather! It is raining heavily. rainstorm accident Bad weather can sometimes cause(引起) natural disasters(自然灾害). [n?t??r?l] [dizɑ:st?] snowstorm ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ typhoon [ta?fu:n] thunder and lightning [θ?nd?] rainstorm [reinst?:m] earthquake [?θ,kwek] flood sandstorm(沙尘暴) [s?ndst?:m] Differences between natural disasters and accidents Differences between natural disasters and accidents Natural disasters are caused by _____? Accidents are caused by _______? A. nature B. people A B 1. The school football team lost the game. 2. The earthquake in Taiwan killed thousands of people. 3. A car accident killed three men. Are they about natural disaster? Put a tick (√) in the correct boxes.(P93) √ (输了比赛) (成千上万) 4. A coach crashed into a tree last night. 5. A flood washed the village away. 6. Lightning started a big fire in a house. 7. A young boy fell from a tree and hurt his legs. 8. A big storm killed 20 people. √ √ √ (撞上) (冲走) (引发一场大火) 根据提示完成句子 earthquake rainstorm thunder crashing flood lightning Something happened to Hobo because of the bad weather. Listen and answer. 1.What was the weather like? 2.What happened to Hobo


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