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(湖南师大附中内部资料)高三化学习总复习课件:高三第五次周考试卷分析课0801(课件)(培训课件)班组建设与5S管理培训多媒体计算机系统常用硬件设备教材 销售技巧培训 主要内容提示 积极的思维 如何设定您的目标 Successful communication gets to: 成功的沟通能达到: Win Win Positive Thinking 积极的思维方式 双 赢 The Win-Win Situation 双赢的情景 Don’t criticise, judge or complain 不要批评, 评判或抱怨 Show honest appreciation 表现出你的诚意 Talk about their contribution 谈论别人的贡献 Use people’s names 使用别人的姓名 Smile when appropriate 适当的时候请微笑 Further reading: Dale Carnegie: How to make friends and influence people 请参阅: Dale Carnegie:如何交友及影响他人 Rules to keep positive 保持积极的要领 If you fear the worst? You get it 如果你总是担心最糟糕的情况会发生? 那它肯定发生 List all possible reasons for success. 列出所有取得成功的可能原因. Convince yourself first! 首先说服你自己! Self-fulfilling prophecies 自我实现预见 Be nice… 做到 NICE Now: I live today, not in the past or future Now: 我生活在今天,不是过去或将来 I: accept that nobody understands me I: 承认没有人了解我 Courage: I stand up for my beliefs Courage:我为我的信念挺身而出 Expectations: I will reach my goal Expectations: 我会达到我的目标 Further reading: Dyer: Your Erogenous Zones I can control my thoughts 我能控制我的思想 My feelings come from my thoughts 我的感觉源于我的思想 I can decide to be happy, pleasant...or! 我能感觉快乐,高兴… 或! Choices 选择 ? ? Takes less energy than 微笑比忧愁省力得多 People who smile feel better! 经常笑的人感觉更好! Ask for 100; you can settle for 10 要求得到 100; 你可以搞定 10 Ask for 10; you’ll never get 100 要求得到10; 你永远得不到 100 Think BIG “狮子大开口” Problems, opportunities and choices 问题,机会和选择 All problems can be seen as opportunities 所有的问题会被视作机会 Is life full of problems or opportunities? 生活中充满了问题还是机会? The choice is yours 选择由你来做 There are no problems 没有问题 A positive reaction indicates interest 正面的回应说明了顾客的兴趣 Find out more about that interest 关于顾客的兴趣多谈一些内容 After 2-3 positives go for a close 在2-3个正面回应


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