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Analysis of the Site from Black Future Mobile Space 2014 / 11 / 28 1250593 赵元星 / 1250598 应逸含 / 1250610 梁倚翎 Design Prospect | 设计展望 Situation Analysis | 现状分析 Situation Analysis | 现状分析 Air Matter | 空气问题 SITE | 场地现状 Human Factor | 人为因素 Nature Factor | 自然因素 Air | 空气情况 Traffic | 交通情况 Communication | 出行交集 Human Factor | 人为因素 Air Odour 异味 SMOG 雾霾 Human Factor | 人为因素 Air Odour 异味 SMOG 雾霾 Human Factor | 人为因素 SMOG 雾霾 SMOG SMOKE FOG 霾 雾 natural phenomenon + SO2 / NOX inhalable particles ( PM2.5 ) | 含义 +NOx Human Factor | 人为因素 SMOG 雾霾 | 成因 Coal fires can emit significant clouds of smoke that contributes to smog. Air pollution of this type is still a problem in areas that generate significant smoke from burning coal. · Coal 煤炭 Traffic emissions, such as from trucks, buses, and automobiles. Airborne by-products from vehicle exhaust systems cause air pollution and are a major ingredient in the creation of smog in some large cities. The major culprits from transportation sources are CO, NOx, VOCs, SO2, and hydrocarbons. · Transportation emissions 汽车尾气 · Photochemical smog 光化学烟雾 It is the chemical reaction of sunlight, NOx and VOCs in the atmosphere, which leaves airborne particles(微粒) and ground-level ozone. It is present in all modern cities. · Natural causes 自然原因 An erupting volcano can also emit high levels of SO2 along with a large quantity of particulate matter. The radiocarbon content of some plant life has been linked to the distribution of smog in some areas. +HC + SO2 +CO + CO2 + VOCs +TSP TSP(可吸入颗粒) HC(烃类物质) From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Standard | 治理标准 比如 AQI 26~50 在中国就是 在美国是 而在香港是 优 良好 中等 摘自《中国雾霾预警:不管健康只顾数字》;李熙;网易新闻第1168期 / 中国城市空气污染排行 SMOG 雾霾 | 治理标准 Human Factor | 人为因素 …… Human Factor | 人为因素 Air Odour 异味 SMOG 雾霾 Human Factor | 人为因素 | 成因 Air Odour 异味 · Rubbish 垃圾异味 ?恶臭成分通常大致分为三类: · 含硫化合物 ( 硫化氢、甲硫醇、甲基硫醚 ) · 含氮化合物 ( 氨、三甲胺 ) · 碳、氢、氧组成的化合物 ( 低级醇、醛、脂肪酸 ) 其中 H2S 和 NH



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