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02 采矿 序码 汉文名 英文名 注解 02.001 采矿工艺 mining technology 02.002 有用矿物 valuable mineral 02.003 冶金矿产原料 metallurgical mineral raw materials 02.004 矿床 mineral deposit 02.005 特殊采矿 specialized mining 02.006 海洋采矿 oceanic mining,marine mining 02.007 硬岩采矿 hard rock mining 02.008 矿田 mine field 02.009 矿山 mine 02.010 露天矿山 surface mine, open-pit mine 02.011 地下矿山 underground mine 02.012 井田 shaft area 02.013 矿井 shaft 02.014 矿床勘探 mineral deposit exploration 02.015 矿山场地布置 mine yard layout 02.016 矿山可行性研究 mine feasibility study 02.017 矿山生产能力 mine production capacity 02.018 矿山规模 mine capacity 02.019 矿山年产量 annual mine output 02.020 清洁开采 clean mining 02.021 无废开采 waste-less mining 02.022 数字矿山 digital mine 02.023 绿色矿山 green mine 02.024 采矿方法 mining method 02.025 矿山环境评价 mine environment assessment 02.026 矿块 Ore block 02.027 矿山安全评价 mine safety assessment 02.028 采矿权 mining right 02.029 分期开采 phased mining 02.031 矿区 mine area 02.032 富矿 rich ore 02.033 贫矿 lean ore 02.034 矿井服务年限 mine life 02.035 矿山基本建设 mine construction 02.036 矿山建设期限 mine construction period 02.037 矿山投产 start-up of mine production 02.038 矿山达产 arrival at mine full capacity 02.040 矿山装备水平 mine equipment level 02.041 开采顺序 mining sequence 02.042 开采步骤 stages of mining 02.043 采掘计划 schedule of extraction and development 02.044 开采强度 mining intensity 02.045 强化开采 strengthening mining 02.046 采掘比 development mining 02.047 剥采比 stripping ratio 02.048 剥采总量 overall output of ore and waste 02.049 矿山维简工程 mine engineering of maintaining simple reproduction 02.050 矿石回收率 ore recovery ratio 02.051 矿石损失率 ore loss ratio 02.052 矿石贫化率 ore dilution ratio 02.053 工业矿石 industrial ore 02.054 采出矿石 extracted ore 02.055 商品矿石 commodity ore 02.056 矿产资源保护 conservation of mineral resources 02.057 矿山复垦 mine reclamation 02.058 矿井报废 mine abandonment 02.059 露天地下联合开采 combined surface and underground mining 02.060 矿体 orebody 02.061 矿体几何形状 geometric configuration


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