化工学院 优秀毕业设计—年产15万吨啤酒工厂工艺设计_精品.doc

化工学院 优秀毕业设计—年产15万吨啤酒工厂工艺设计_精品.doc

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化工学院 优秀毕业设计—年产15万吨啤酒工厂工艺设计_精品

年产15万吨啤酒工厂工艺设计 摘 要 啤酒是世界上最古老也是消费量最大的酒精饮料,同时也是仅次于水和茶的第三大饮料。啤酒是用含有淀粉的谷类(主要是大麦)酿造而成的,多数添加啤酒花来调味,有时候还会添加一些香草和水果。 本设计是对年产15万吨淡色啤酒的工厂工艺设计。主要包括工厂厂址选择及总平面设计,啤酒生产的工艺流程设计,工艺计算,糖化车间物料衡算(工艺技术指标及基础数据)、糖化车间热量衡算(糖化用水消耗热量、第一次米醪煮沸消耗热量、第二次煮沸前混合醪升温耗热量、第二次米醪煮沸消耗热量、洗槽水耗热量、麦汁煮沸耗热量、糖化一次总耗热量、糖化一次耗用蒸汽量、蒸汽单耗)、发酵车间耗冷量衡算(工艺耗冷量、非工艺耗冷量),设备的设计与选型(包括糖化锅、糊化锅、过滤锅、煮沸锅、回旋沉淀槽、发酵罐),环境保护及末端治理,工业卫生与劳动安全。绘制啤酒生产工艺流程图和全厂平面布置图。 关键词:啤酒 工艺 设计 150,000 tons annual output of beer plant process design ABSTRACT Beer is the worlds oldest and largest alcoholic beverage consumption, but also after the third largest of water and tea drinks. Beer, made of starch grains (containing), is mainly barley and brewing, the majority of hops to add flavor and sometimes add some vanilla and fruit. This design is an annual output of 150,000 tons of light beer plant process design. Include plant site selection and general graphic design, beer production process design, process calculation, glycosylated plant material balance (technology indicators and basic data), glycosylated plant heat balance (glycosylated water burn calories, the first mash boiled rice consumption of calories, the second boiling temperature before the heat consumption of mixed mash, mash boiled rice consumption of the second heat, wash water tank heat loss, wort boiling heat loss, a total heat loss glycosylated, glycosylated a steam consumption, steam alone consumption), fermented plant cooling consumption accounting (process cooling consumption, non-process cooling consumption), equipment design and selection (including glycosylated pot, paste pot, filter pot, boiling pot, swing sedimentation tank, fermentation pot ), environmental protection and end treatment, industrial hygiene and labor safety. Draw beer production flow chart and the factory floor plans. Key words:Beer Technology Design 目 录 摘 要 I ABSTRACT II 1 绪论 1 1.1 啤酒的起源 1 1.2 我国啤酒工业发展简况 1 1.3 啤酒的种类 1 2厂址选择及总平面设计 4 2.1 厂址选择 4 2.1.1 厂址选择的原则 4 2.1.2 厂址选择从投资和经济效益考虑 4 2.1.3 厂址的选择依据 4 2.1.4



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