Lesson Five Speech on Hitler’s Invasion of the U五课上的讲话希特勒入侵美国_精品.doc

Lesson Five Speech on Hitler’s Invasion of the U五课上的讲话希特勒入侵美国_精品.doc

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Lesson Five Speech on Hitler’s Invasion of the U五课上的讲话希特勒入侵美国_精品

湖南科技大学课程教案 课程名称 高级英语(第一册) 章节、专题 Unit 5 Speech on Hitler’s Invasion of the U. S. S. R. 负责人 周 四 瑗 教学 重点 1. To help students appreciate Churchill’s speech 2. Familiarize students with the basic elements of making good English speeches, such as in diction, sentence structures, and the use of rhetorical devices. 教学 难点 1. Words and expressions Conviction, lie, presently, hasten, compose, count on, enlist, sympathy, be true of, consult, account, enlist, sympathy, revert, to the effect, to be, devote … to, be indistinguishable from, be devoid of, excel, theme, appetite, flash away, immemorial, primordial, hideous, onslaught, dandified, cow down, docile, a swarm of, smarting, launch, cataract of horrors, due, concur, irrevocable, rid… of…, yoke, appeal to, engage, divergence, slacken, doom, resolve, folly, impel, lure, catastrophe, prelude, subjugation, to one’s will, hearth and home, exertion 2. Sentence patterns … where our duty and our policy lay The same is true of … … go all out to … It excels in … I see …; I see …; I see … It follows … It is not for me to speak of … 3. Rhetorical devices Allusion, irony, parallelism, repetition, metaphor, onomatopoeia, alliteration, simile, antithesis, transferred epithet 4. Writing Style A piece of argumentative speech 5. Background knowledge Winston Churchill’s life and major works, British Empire, the world situation before Germany’s invasion of the U. S. S. R., some famous battles in WWII 练习 1. Written work: Write a similar speech entitled “Speech on the Terrorists’ Attack of the U.S.A.” 2. Recite the whole speech 3. Finish the exercises on the textbook: V. VI. VIII. XI. XII. 4. Recommended Readings movies: Battle of Stalingrad (斯大林格勒保卫战) Enemy at the Gate (兵临城下) 这里的黎明静悄悄 About the Wars (战争风云) Germans Advance in U. S. S. R. (an article) (/interactive/today/2005-06-29/3686.html) Lesson Five Speech on Hitler’s Invasion of the U. S. S. R. I. Topics for preparation. (work for students’ pre



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