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初中英语词组汇总: 1. 互相 each other 2. 总是,一直 all the time 3. 超过,多于 more than 4. 太空站 space station 5. 航天飞机 space shuttle 6. 校长 head teacher 7. 究竟 on earth 8. 当然 of course 9. 稍微,有点儿 a bit 10.游泳池 swimming pool 11.越来越少 less and less 12.例如 for example 13.有时 from time to time 14.写下 write down writes writing wrote written 15.过得愉快 enjoy oneself (ves) enjoys enjoying enjoyed enjoyed 16.起飞 take off takes taking took taken 17.与…相处(融洽) get on (well) with gets getting got got 18.听说 hear of (about) hears hearing heard heard 19.参加 take part (in) takes taking took taken 20.退学 drop out of school drops dropping dropped dropped 21.照顾 look after looks looking looked looked 22.(灯)熄灭;停(电) go off goes going went gone 23.握手 shake hands shakes shaking shook shaken 24.发现 find out finds finding found found 25.发生 take place takes taking took taken 26.打扫卫生 do some cleaning does doing did done 27.洗(餐具) wash up washes washing washed washed 28.并且,还 as well as 29.比如 such as 30.现在 right now 31.是否 whether…or not 32.事实上 in fact 33.几个,两个 a couple of 34.遥远的 far away 35.顺便说 by the way 36.在那时 at that moment 37.一天天地 day by day 38.开始 at first 39.不客气 Don’t mention it. 40.一起 all together 41.在…结束时 at the end of 42.至少 at least 43.零用钱 pocket money 44.不管怎样,毕竟 after all 45.面对面的 face to face 46.以某人的观点 in one’s opinion 47.许多 plenty of 48.劳动节 Labour Day 49.一…就… as soon as 50.遍布 all over 51.一列,一栏 a list of 52.目的是 so that 53.独自,自己 on one’s own 54.最后 in the end 55.如此…以致… so… that… 56.一点也不… not…at all 57.收拾 tidy up tidies tidying tidied tidied 58.占用 take up takes taking took taken 59.对…感兴趣 (be) interested in am/is/are being was/were been 60.出版 come out comes coming came come 61.(不挂断电话)等一下 hold the line holds holding held held 62.觉得 feel like feels feeling felt felt 63.害怕做… (be) afraid to do 64.和…交朋友 make friends (with) makes making made made 65.担心 worry about


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