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长 春 工 业 大 学 自学考试毕业论文 当前中国失业的成因分析以及对策 报考专业: 工商企业管理 准考证号: 姓 名: 指导教师: 年 月 日 当前中国失业的成因分析以及对策 摘要:目前,失业(包括下岗)已经成为中国经济社会生活中非常突出的也是全社会所关注的焦点问题,中国现阶段为什么会产生大量的失业人口,应怎样认识当前社会出现的失业问题,失业现象在发展过程中呈现怎样的趋势,应采取什么措施解决它等等这些现在都成了摆在我们面前的新课题。失业既是一个经济问题,又是一个敏感的社会问题,对于我国来说更是一个不容忽视的重大社会经济问题。充分就业是现代国家宏观经济的一项重要目标之一。The current Chinese unemployed cause of formation analysis and Countermeasures 【Abstract】At present, the unemployment ( including off-duty ) has become Chinas economic and social life is very prominent and the whole society focus problem in China at the present stage, why will produce a large number of unemployed population, should understand how the current society appears the problem of unemployment, the unemployment phenomenon in the development process present what kind of trend, what measures should be taken to solve it, these all have now become the new subject in front of us. Unemployment is not only an economic problem, but also is a sensitive social problem, the operation of the market economy, the problem of unemployment is a national economic phenomena, but too high unemployment rate will endanger the economic prosperity, social stability. China is a major social and economic problems that can not be ignored. Full employment is the modern country of macroscopical economy an important goal of. Therefore, a correct understanding of Chinas unemployment situation, reason, seek the efficient way that solves unemployed problem, have important theory and realistic meaning. 【Key words】 unemployed reason influence and countermeasure 目录 一、 我国失业的现状..................................................1 (一)失业的定义.....................................................1 (二) 失业的类型....................................................1 (三)我国失业的现状.................................................1 二、失业的成因分析...................................................4 (一)劳动力资源供大于求.........................................



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