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煤矿立井井筒设计与施工--毕业论文 摘要 立井井筒工程量占矿井建设总工程量仅3.5?5%,但其建设工期却占总工期的40%左右。随着市场竞争及提高经济效益的要求,加快立井施工速度,是缩短矿井建设工期的关键,特别是大于800m的深立井井筒,加快施工速度尤其重要。 本设计立足于应用角度介绍立井井筒设计与施工。首先:介绍了工程的概况、工程的地质水文条件、以及工程的地层构造、煤层储量和矿井服务年限。其次:根据井筒使用要求对井筒断面进行了设计,并阐述了主井的提升设备及井筒采用的支护措施与井壁结构,通过钻、爆、装、运、支的方法进行井筒施工。同时对井筒施工过程的辅助系统和设施的安排进行了说明。再次:从安全的角度阐述了井筒施工中应该注意的安全事项以及防止措施等。 根据开滦东欢坨的实际情况,结合目前国内同类矿井先进的矿井建设管理经验,采用先进的井巷工程施工技术和装备,以优质、安全、快速、高效为目标,打破常规,采取各种措施加快矿井建设步伐。 关键词:工程地质 井筒 支护 爆破 Abstract The vertical shaft well chamber resilience occupies the mine pit to construct the total resilience only 3.5- 5%, but its construction time limit for a project actually accounts for the total time limit for a project about 40%. And enhances the economic efficiency along with the market competition the request, speeds up the vertical shaft construction speed, is reduces the mine pit construction time limit for a project the key, specially is bigger than 800m the deep vertical shaft well chamber, speeds up the construction speed to be especially important. The design based on the application point of view describes the design and construction of shaft. First: This paper presents an overview of engineering, engineering geology and the hydrological conditions of formation and engineering construction, the service life of coal reserves and mines. Second: According to the requirements of the shaft using the shaft section has been designed and elaborated the main well bore used to upgrade equipment and support measures and the wall structure, by drilling, blasting, loading and transporting, supporting shaft construction methods. Meanwhile, the auxiliary shaft construction arrangement of systems and facilities are described. Re: From a security perspective of the shaft should be noted that the construction of the security issues and the prevention measures According to the Kailuan Donghuantuo ore actual situation, the union at present the domestic similar mine pit advanced mine pit constructio


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