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(此文档为word格式,下载后您可任意编辑修改!) 具体开题报告格式参看红色字体标注,此文仅做字体和格式参考。具体内容填写,不同研究方向的论题,与指导老师协商后,根据要求再填写.每个表格要完整,页面要整齐美观,不能出现半页纸空白的现象。 封面字体华文中宋 三号字 论文(设计)题目: 目的论视角下的化妆品说明书翻译 院 - 系: 外国语学院 专 业: 英 语 年 级: 2009级 学生姓名: 黄 玲 学 号: 导师及职称: 郑 青 (讲师 ) 日 期: 2010 年1月6 日 目 录 一、开题报告 二、开题记录表 三、任务书 四、指导记录 五、指导教师评定表 六、专家评定表 七、答辩委员会评定表 八、答辩记录表 九、诚信承诺书 红河学院本科生毕业论文(设计)开题报告 姓名 性别 女 学号 院-系 外国语学院 专业 英语 年级 09级 论文题目 □教师推荐题目 □自拟题目 题目来源 教育教学 题目类别 指导教师 选题的目的、意义(理论意义、现实意义): (开题报告一律是小四,times new roman 字体段落首行缩进4个字母) ’s guidance. Besides, the validity of skopostheorie’s functions will be examined in the translation of cosmetics instructions. Theoretical significance: Skopostheorieput forward by German functionalists Reiss, Vermeer and Nord, is based on the prerequisite that translation as a cross-culture communicative activity is purposeful. The core of this theory is skopos ?Tany translation is decided by the purpose of translation. In short, the purpose of translation decides the means of translation (Reiss and Vermeer,1984:101). In Skopostheorie, to achieve the purpose of translation, translator can employ either literal translation or completely rewrite the source text, or any other translation strategies. According to different focuses in translation, Nord sets forth two translation strategies: documentary translation and instrumental translation. Based on analyzing some examples’ translation purpose, the two strategies will be used in translation of cosmetic instructions: equifunctional and foreignizing translation. Realistic significance: ’s entry to WTO and the rapid development of Chinese economy, plenty of foreign commodities flood into Chinese markets, among which there are foreign cosmetics. As a special kind of advertisement that bridge consumers and companies, cosmetic instructi


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