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AGRICULIURAL SECTOR (project management of 4th team) Staff members: 刘晓兰 王 静 陈 芳 王慧莉 陈 刚 刘大超 王 梅 梁敏 2008/03/11 Problem list For a long time mono-cropping Shortage of farm labor Small land holdings Low Productivity Competition from cheaper milk importer Lack of farm technology Poor efficiency of extension service highly disparity of income between the hilly and non-hilly areas Low cropping intensity level Lower farm gate price Low crop diversification Few form of service of BAAC Shortage of water for agriculture Lack of land title to farmers High input cost of HYV seeds Being urbanized Being slowly replaced by non-farming activities Few extension workers Small amount of produces to sell Insufficient institutional and commercial facilities Farmers depend on middlemen for selling produce Public agency give higher price of HYV seeds Landless farmers lag behind in adopting new technology Too far for many farmers to participate in dairy training Cooperatives of agricultural and dairy highly depend on BAAC Problem tree Project planning Agricultural Sector -Project Priority Matrix Project Design : Project Description: Up-grading Agriculture Productivity in two years WBS of Project Marketing approaches Asking support from central government Require more loan from banks Invite more factories to invest in rural place Built a web site for public relation Thank you! * * Starter Problem Identified Positive problem list Objectives tree Note: Put the same objectives or/and similar/likely objectives into one group. Project group Group A:5,6; Group B:4,7,9,11,15,19,20,23; GroupC:1,2,3,8,10,12,13,14,16,17,18,21,2224. Group A: developing of Facilities Project Group B: Improving of extension service Project Group C: Up-grading Agriculture Productivity Project 13,15,14 2009-12-1 17:00 2009-7-29 8:00 90 工作日 Up-grading Agriculture Productivity Project 8 2009-2-10 17:00 2008-6-4 8:00 180 工作日 Increase income of farmers 1


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