必修一 unit2 小阅读.doc

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必修一 unit2 小阅读

班级_______ 小组_______ 姓名_______ 做题时间_______ 教师评价______ 主备教师 备课组长 年级组长: Unit 2 The Story of Atlanta Learning aims : get the students to learn the following useful new words and expreesions. Important and difficult points: to analyse the whole text and know about the structures and the main idea of the text. 预习案 Ⅰ. Read the text and choose the best answer. Who was Atlanta? A. A Greek princess. B. A Greek prince C. A Greek king D. A Greek goddess 2. What was she good at ? A. She was good at running B. She was good at fighting C. She was good at swimming D. She was good at singing 3. What were Atlanta’s rul? A. She would kill the man who wanted to marry her B. she would run against the man who wanted to marry her C. the man who run against her would be killed D. she would marry the man who would run against her 4. What did Hippomenes think of the men who run against Atlanta at first? A. wise B. brave C. foolish D. shy 5. Who helped Hippomenes ? A. The Greek Goddess of Love B. The king C. Atlanta D. The prince Ⅱ.Answer the following questions and fill the blanks. What happened to the young men who failed in the running race against Atlanta? ___________________________________________________________________ Please list the characters in the story. Who are the main characters? ____________________________________________________________________ What’s the main idea of the passage? This is a story of how a man ______ a princess by _____ a race with a Goddess’______. 探究案 bargain vi. 讲条件,讨价还价;谈判 n. 廉价货 bargain with sb about / over / for sth 和某人就某事讨价还价 eg. He bargained with the boss over the pay. 他与老板就工资讨价还价 make a bargain with sb. 和某人达成协议 eg. We made a bargain with the company. 我们与那家公司达成协议。 a good / bad bargain 交易合算/ 不合算 2. one after another 一个接一个地,依次地 (强调连续性) One by one 一个一个地 (强调一次一个) 3. deserve v. 值得,应得,应受 (deserve不用于进行时态) deserve to do sth 值得做某事 eg. The team deserves to win. deserve sth deserve con


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