七年级英语师生导学稿 Talking about food.doc

七年级英语师生导学稿 Talking about food.doc

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七年级英语师生导学稿 Talking about food

七年级英语师生导学稿 An apple a day, keep the doctor away! Talking about food 课型:新授 【学习目标】 掌握本课时中出现的新词汇,重点掌握四会词汇:2.读懂文章,了解世界不同地区的饮食差异。 3.能根据上下文语境猜测单词或习惯用语的意思,训练阅读技巧与能力。 4.激发学生更多地了解世界的兴趣,培养合作学习的精神。 【自主导学】 在课文中划出下列新词汇:请根据上下文语境猜测其意,你猜对了几个,请记录下来: ________________________________________________________2、试着的习题,完成习题阅读句子的过程中,在不会读的单词下标上“△”,上课时认真听老师或同学朗读,相信你一定能行!我国有许多地方是因“吃”而闻名于世,枕江而居的镇江因其地理环境和丰富的鱼类资源,让人感到了镇江人的口福之美,“镇江三怪”、“长江三鲜”便是逐渐形成的吸引八方宾客的饮食文化资源。、通过预习,你还有哪些词汇或句子,语法方面存在疑问?请记录下来:_______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 七年级英语师生导学稿 An apple a day, keep the doctor away! 【】 1、预习情况交流:看看你们组内同学的“自主导学”完成得怎么样,你们谁完成的更好一点?2、学习策略培养:New Zealanders eat sheep, but they never eat goat meat. The Japanese don’t like to eat sheep because of its smell, but they enjoy eating raw fish. ( ) The meaning of the underlined word “smell” in the passage is_______ A. 颜色 B.体型 C. 气味 检查本课新单词的 People in different countries like to eat different kinds of meat. French people think horse meat is the most delicious. In Hong Kong, some people enjoy eating snakes…… Question: What kind of meat do French people think is the most delicious?___________________ 3、阅读文章,判断句子正(T)误(F) _______ 1.People have different feelings about food in different countries. _______ 2.In every part of Asia, every meal has rice. _______ 3. The English drink tea just one or two times a day. _______ 4. Australians drink beer while the French drink wine every day. _______ 5. New Zealanders eat sheep and goat meat. _______ 6. It is easy to change the eating habits. 4、让我们细读文章的每一个段落,找出关键信息吧(小组合作,和其他小组的同学比一比,赛一赛吧) Round 1:Questions What will you find if you travel from one country to another? What do Americans like to drink? How do the Chinese drink green tea or black tea? 七年级英语师生导学稿 An apple a day, keep the doctor away! Why don’t Japanese like


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