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大学里不教但你必须学会的六项本领 大学生必学六项本领 When you go on to college, you do a bit of the same things, but you also learn to think analytically, critically, and to broaden your mind so to speak, but even people who graduate from college will learn lessons from the real world the hard way as well. The sad part is all of this could’ve been prevented with some proper education beforehand. 当你在上大学的时候,你学到的东西大同小异,但是你的确也会学习如何理性分析,如何拥有批判性思维,以及如何开拓思想,学会说话的艺术等。然而,那些已经毕了业的学生们也不得不在社会大学中以更加惨烈的方式来学习一些必要的本领。让人感到伤心的是,这些本领其实在学校里就应该学起来了。 Below are six things that I firmly believe should be taught in every school so that students don’t get railroaded when they enter the real world. If you’re still in school and reading this, consider it your lucky day as mastering these six skills will give you a great head start and help separate you from the rest of the pack as well. 以下六个本领是我认为所有学校都应该教授的,这样当学生们真正进入社会的时候,就不会硬着陆了。如果你还是个学生,那就恭喜你读到了这篇文章,因为掌握了这六大本领会让你变得与众不同。 个人理财 #1. Personal Finance 1.个人理财 Every week or so, there always seems to be a new article in CNN, USA Today, or Yahoo about young adults struggling with debt, whether it be from credit cards or loans in general. High interest rates, hidden fees, notconsolidating debt – these terms and concepts are mostly unknown to young adults and because of that ignorance, they tend to make big errors in judgment. A prime example is thinking that they just have to pay the minimum on their balance and not realizing that by doing so, they pay 2-3 times as much in the long run. 大约每隔一周,在CNN、USA Today或者Yahoo上就会有一篇关于年轻人陷入债务危机的报道,不论是信用卡还是一般的债务。高额的利息、隐藏在背后的费用、不巩固债务状况——大多数年轻人对于这些都缺乏了解,而正因为这样的无知,他们会在做出判断时犯下致命的错误。一个典型的例子就是他们认为他们总是只需支还基于他们负债上的很小一部分,而没有意识到这在长期将会使他们最终要支付的利息多过2~3倍。 Alongside that, most young adults don’t have a clue on how to invest their money. They don’t know what a Roth IRA account is, or a 401k, or the magic of compound interest, the tax benefits associated with investing in these types of vehicles, etc. There’s a lot of specialized knowledge out there th


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