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①It was with my brother that I went to the West Lake. 我是和哥哥去的西湖。 ②When was it that they went abroad? 他们什么时候出国的? ③Both of the candidates are close together in the polls.It is not until closer to the election that one will pull ahead of the other. 两位候选人在民意测验中的得票相当接近。要一直等到大选临近其中一位才可能会领先另一位。 完成句子 ①It was ________________ I understood the true state of affairs. 直到我看了你的信,我才了解了事件的真实情况。 ②________ it that you met your parents? 你是在什么地方遇到了你父母? ③________ who paid for the meal yesterday. 昨天的饭钱是简付的。 答案:①not until I had read your letter that ②Where was ③It was Jane 一、完成句子 1.那个警察把我们的姓名和地址记下之后就让我们走了。 our names and addresses,the policeman dismissed us. 2.到我们从这所学校毕业时,我们就已经学了六年英语了。 _______ _________ ________ we graduate from this school,well have learned English for 6 years. 3.除了在公司上班外,她还花了大量时间学习法律。 ___ ____ __ working in the firm,she spends a lot of time studying law. 4.在中国的所见所闻给他留下了极为深刻的印象。 He ____ ______ ______ by what he had seen and heard in China. 5.直到他离开我,我才意识到他对我有多么重要。 It was _______ ______ he left me ________ I realized he was very important to me. 答案:1.Having written down 2.By the time 3.As well as 4.was deeply impressed 5.not until;that 核心考 点突破 菜 单 课时知 能评估 基础巩 固演练 隐 藏 2012 · 优化探究 · 新课标高三总复习 · 配外研英语 山东金太阳书业有限公司 Module 3   Music 词汇突破 Ⅰ.重点单词 1. n.听众 2. vt.失去;丢失→ n.损失→ adj.迷失的;丢失的→ n.失败者 3. vt.巡回演出n.观光;旅游→ n.观光者;游客→ n.旅游业 4. vt.影响→ adj.有影响的 5. vt.录音→ n.录音机 6. n.作曲家→ v.作曲;创作→ n.作曲;作文 audience lose loss lost loser tour tourist tourism influence influential record recorder composer compose composition 7. n.音乐家→ n.音乐→ adj.音乐的 8. n.指挥→ v.指挥;指导→ n.指示;说明;方向 9. n.天分;天赋;才华→



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