管理学(第七版) 斯蒂芬p罗宾斯robbins_ppt17.ppt

管理学(第七版) 斯蒂芬p罗宾斯robbins_ppt17.ppt

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管理学(第七版) 斯蒂芬p罗宾斯robbins_ppt17

17–* Leadership Issues in the 21st Century Managing Power Legitimate power The power a leader has as a result of his or her position. Coercive power The power a leader has to punish or control. Reward power The power to give positive benefits or rewards. Expert power The influence a leader can exert as a result of his or her expertise, skills, or knowledge. Referent power The power of a leader that arise because of a person’s desirable resources or admired personal traits. 17–* Developing Credibility and Trust Credibility (of a Leader) The assessment of a leader’s honesty, competence, and ability to inspire by his or her followers Trust The belief of followers and others in the integrity, character, and ability of a leader. Dimensions of trust: integrity, competence, consistency, loyalty, and openness. Trust is related to increases in job performance, organizational citizenship behaviors, job satisfaction, and organization commitment. 17–* Exhibit 17.10 Suggestions for Building Trust Practice openness. Be fair. Speak your feelings. Tell the truth. Show consistency. Fulfill your promises. Maintain confidences. Demonstrate competence. 17–* Providing Online Leadership Challenges of Online Leadership Communication Choosing the right words, structure, tone, and style for digital communications. Performance management Defining, facilitating, and encouraging performance. Trust Creating a culture where trust among all participants is expected, encouraged, and required, 17–* Empowering Employees Empowerment Involves increasing the decision-making discretion of workers such that teams can make key operating decisions in develop budgets, scheduling workloads, controlling inventories, and solving quality problems. Why empower employees? Quicker responses problems and faster decisions. Addresses the problem of increased spans of control in relieving managers to work on other problems. 17–* Cross-Cultural Leadership Universal Elements of Effective Leadership Vision Foresight Pr


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