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用VC++实现数学函数图形绘制 Use the VC++ to realize drawing figures of mathematic functions 指导教师:付勇 制作人:刘海,卢文娟 Tutor: Fu yong Producer:Liu hai 、 Lu wenjuan 摘要 Visual C++(以下简称VC++) 是面向对象与可视化软件开发工具中比较成熟的一类。MFC是VC++中直接由Microsoft提供的类库,它集成了大量已定义好的类,我们可以根据需要,调用相应类,或根据需要自定义类。正是基于MFC的这种特性,我们试图设计出具有封装性、独立性的功能模块------函数数据生成模块,函数曲线输出模块,模块之间的桥梁是由模板类CArray派生的CPoint类数组充当的。函数数据生成模块用来实现对函数的设置并获得采样点,数组得到采样点数据并将其传递到输出模块中。从整体来看,实现了各程序模块的独立性,使得在函数模块中可任意添加、删除函数,可使用不同的DC和GDI,可实现不同的输出方式,整个工程在函数绘图功能上是无限扩展的。经过反复的调试和检验,我们实现了预期目标。我们的主要目的是尝试VC++在数学函数绘图方面的功能和应用。这是对VC++的探索,也是对数学函数绘图多样化的尝试。 关键字 数学函数 图形绘制 模板数组 三次样条 【Abstract】 Visual C++ is one of the object oriented and visual software developer ,which is more mature than others . MFC is a class warehouse which is supplied by Microsoft ,and it contains a great deal of defined classes .we can transfer the corresponded class if necessary ,or give a fresh definition according our needs . Exactly based on MFC this kind of character, we try to design out the function mold which have the function to pack the class and be independent ------Mold for creating Function data, Mold for outputting the function curve, mold piece of born mold piece be sent by Cpoint Array rared by template CArray.The first mold is to make out sets for the function and get data we need which will be sent to the defined array,so now the array have the data that is to be got by the second mold.From whole project,we can see the independence of each mold,and exactly we may increase and decrease functions if necessary,we even can use different DC and GDI to realize the customed exportation method by which we can have a new view of the function curve. So, the function of the project can be extended freely.after repeatedly debugging and examining,we achieve our purpose.The most important thing we are trying is to f



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