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中文3525字 外 文 翻 译 原文: The different dimensions of loyalty The first problem in studying loyalty in human organizations is that there seems to be no generally accepted definition of this concept. Often, loyalty is taken to mean remaining in an organization for a long time. But some studies have shown how it can have many different dimensions. Cole (2000), for instance, interviewed David L. Sturn, President of the Loyalty Institute, an arm of Chicago-based Aon Consulting, about a study undertaken by that organization interviewing the employees of more that 200 of its corporate clients. According to that study, what characterizes a “committed” employee is that (1) he is a team player; (2) willing to make sacrifices for the good of the company; (3) believes in the company’s products; (4) will recommend the company as among the best places to work, and (5) is prepared to stay in the company for the next several years, even if offered a modest pay increase elsewhere (Cole, 2000). Obviously, the first four characteristics of a committed employee go well beyond the fifth one, which is the only one related with remaining in the organization; and, still qualifying the fact of remaining in the organization by rejecting a change with a “modest” pay increase elsewhere. Employees are the basic ingredients, their enthusiasm on behalf of corporate morale, awareness of their work reflected in the subtle strength of the enterprise. Employee loyalty will greatly stimulate their initiative and creativity. So that potential employees into full play. Loyalty is the efficiency, increase employee loyalty and increase customer satisfaction there is promotion. Business per employee increased loyalty, competitive strength will have been improved. In the modern economy, employees will be judged according to their own personal development continue to find their own space, the flow of talent to be a common phenomenon. Enterprises as always in the dynamic development of economic organizati


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