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CSC9000T与中国纺织行业的可持续发展:实践与经验 CSC9000T and the Sustainable Development of Chinese Textile Industry: Practices and Experiences 中国纺织工业协会社会责任办公室 Office for Social Responsibility China National Textile and Apparel Council (CNTAC) CSC9000T及其发展现状 CSC9000T and Its Status Quo  CSC9000T是中国纺织工业协会于2005年开发实施的中国的第一个标 准化的社会责任管理体系,其基本思路是通过改进企业的管理制度落 实法律和国际公约中的规范; China’s first corporate social responsibility management system and code of conduct at industrial level developed by CNTAC in 2005; its approach is to implement legal and international convention norms by improving management system.  目前为止,CSC9000T已推广适用于超过200家中国纺织服装企业; As of now, over 200 Chinese textile and apparel companies have implemented CSC9000T.  CSC9000T也是国家相关机构在行业内落实社会责任的重要要求,例 如发改委 《印染行业准入条件》 “印染企业应按照中国纺织企业社 会责任管理体系CSC9000T要求,履行社会责任”。 CSC9000T now is an important CSR reference taken by government industry regulation policy, for instance, the Entry Condition for Dying and Printing Industries by NDRC requires enterprises fulfill social responsibility according to CSC9000T. 2008版CSC9000T:更完善的社会责任体系 The 2008 Version of CSC9000T: towards a Comprehensive CSR System 1. 管理体系 Management System 2. 歧视 Discrimination 3.工会组织与集体谈判权 Trade Unions and Collective Bargaining 4. 童工与未成年工 Child Labor and Juvenile Workers 5. 强迫或强制劳动 Forced or Compulsory Labor 6. 劳动合同 Employment Contract 7. 工作时间 Working Hours 8. 薪酬与福利 Wages and Welfare 9. 骚扰与虐待 Harassment and Abuse 10. 职业健康与安全 Occupational Health and Safety 11. 环境保护 Environmental Protection 12. 公平竞争 Fair


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