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2005 9 2 1 9 J Pract R ad o,l Sep 2005, V o l 2 1, N o. 9 # 901# ² ² Neuroradiology Balo MR I ( 4 ) 1 2 3 1 1 徐俊玲 , 韩 雄 , 王润青, 李永丽, 史大鹏 ( 1 M R ; 2 , 450003; 3 ) : Balo M R I 4 Ba lo M R I, 13 Ba lo M R I 17 16 , 1; , 4 2 T1 , T 2 ; 7 Ba lo M R I , Balo : ; ; : R 742; R445. 2 : A : 1002- 1671( 2005) 09- 0901- 03 MRI Diagnosis of Balo. sConcentric Sclerosis X U Jun - ling,HAN X iong, WAN G Run - q ing, L I Yong - l,i SH I Da- p eng (MRI D ep artm ent,H enan P ro incial P eop le. sH osp ita,l Zhengzhou 450003, China) Abstract: Objective T o summ aryM R I f nd ngs and ts d agnost c value of Ba lo s concen tr c sc leros s . M ethods Bra n M R I m ages of 4 cases w th Balo. s concen tr c sc leros s w ere stud ed w th rev ew o f the l tera ture n 13 cases. Results M R I show ed mu lt ple r ng - l ke le- s ons w th n bra ns n 16 pat ents and s ng le les on on ly n 1. T he deep w h te m atters o f cerebrum w ere nvo lved n a ll pat ents. T he cerebe llum and bra n stem w ere nvaded n 2 and 4 respec t ve ly. Typ ca l concentr c sc leros s les ons dem onstrated a lterna te m dd le and low s gna l r ngs on T W I, m ddle and h gh on T W I. The r ng - l ke les ons w ere best seen on T W I. T he m dd le s gna l r ngs w ere enhanced on post- con- 1 2 1 trast mages. T he typ ca lm ult ple sc le ros s les ons w ere seen n 7 pat en ts. Conclusion Ba lo. s concentr c scleros s has charact


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