行星齿轮减速器 - Ringier Events(PPT-50).ppt

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行星齿轮减速器 - Ringier Events(PPT-50)

Text slide, with title and body text [Autolayout: Bulleted List] This slide exists as a ‘slide master’ therefore all type, sizes and positions are fixed. Simply type into the prompt boxes. The SKF Supergraphic is also positioned on the ‘slide master’ in a fixed position. The layout is set as a ‘title’ box and a ‘text box’. Within the text box there are 5 levels of type: Level 1 – Body text set in Chevin Medium 24pt with 32pt linefeed. 12pt additional space below paragraph. Level 2 – Bulleted body text set in Chevin Medium 18pt with 25pt linefeed. 12pt additional space below paragraph. Level 3 – Bulleted body text set in Chevin Medium 16pt with 22pt linefeed. 11pt additional space below paragraph. Level 4 – Bulleted body text set in Chevin Medium 15pt with 20pt linefeed. 10pt additional space below paragraph. Level 5 – Bulleted body text set in Chevin Medium 14pt with 18pt linefeed. 9pt additional space below paragraph. Within standard body text, subheads are set in Chevin Bold. To advance to each level from the previous one, you select ‘demote’ which is the green right arrow on the Outlining tool bar. To return to previous level, select ‘promote’ which is the green left arrow on the Outlining tool bar. While the text start position is fixed, the text box will grow as you type further down the slide, therefore care and attention should be taken so as not to set type below the bottom margin - see typographic grid ‘Ctrl G’. 腐蚀 润滑不良导致表面损伤 改正措施: 增加油膜厚度 使用带有EP 或AW 添加剂的润滑剂 检查含水量 (最大不超过 200 ppm) 压痕 剥落由表层下的裂纹开始 压痕边缘的应力集中 蠕动腐蚀 原因: 配合较松 较差的配合面 开裂 (继发性损坏) 剥落 轴承修复流程 修复级别 修复操作流程 (以SL3级修复为例) 组装 保持架喷砂 部件清洗 部件检查 最终检查 清洗防锈,包装. 装箱 游隙测量 解体 测量,分析 轴承圈抛光 滚动体抛光 回转支承轴承修复实例 修复前 回转支承轴承修复实例 修复后 回转支承轴承修复实例 回转支承轴承( RKS Slewing Bearing) 修复后 轴承理论寿命 1.修复 2.修复 最终使用寿命 未修复的可能使用寿命 修复后的轴承使用寿命 轴承剩余寿命 100 % 50 % 由于污染、腐蚀、不对中和润滑不 良的轴承寿命下降, 大部分轴承都很难达到其理论寿命 使用时间 通过修复,延长轴承使用寿命 十二、驱动减速器及回转支承 维护保养及修复的市场现状 目前国内尚未形成盾构掘进机用行星减速器、回转支承规模生产及品牌效应,国产以上驱动关键件满足不了实际需求,为保证现有盾构掘进机的正常使用,目前盾构机使用单位各自寻找



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