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摘 要 本设计内容为宜宾市屏山县锦屏镇中学教学楼设计。 建筑设计部分,本着“适用、安全、经济、美观”的设计原则,按照有关建筑规范的要求,完成了建筑的平面、立面、剖面及细部构件的设计。建筑风格既有地方特色,又能展现文化气息,注重采用先进、经济、合理、安全的建筑技术。设计图纸全部采用建筑软件天正绘制,图纸深度达到施工图的要求。 结构设计部分,在建筑设计的基础上,合理地确定了结构方案和结构布置,结构计算.在主体建筑部分选取具有代表性的一榀框架进行计算,内容包括:确定梁柱截面尺寸;荷载计算;外力作用下的内力分析;内力组合及截面设计;并完成板、梁、柱、楼梯等部分结构构件计算。在此基础上完成了各构件的配筋施工图。 完成了设计任务书规定的全部内容,设计思路明确,各项设计计算正确,图纸布置恰当合理,绘图表达符合要求,对设计涉及的基本理论有较好的掌握。 关键词:设计,建筑,结构,施工,框架,技术,计算,施工图 Abstract The task of this design is to finish the calculation of the civil engineering about a middle school located in jinping town ,yibin province. The application, security, economic and aesthetic is the aim of the part of architecture design. Under the building codes, the plane, elevation, profile besides the detail components design are completed. In addition there ,both local features and modern are shown. The design pays attation to the local features and the cultural atmosphere. By the help of Tarch, all the drawings have been finished and are content. At the base of the architectural design, reasonable structural determine and layout are both finished. Having seleting the representative unit, all the calculations including the cross-section size, some structural members such as reinforcement, stairs, and overhung component have been completed. All the working drawings are completed high-qualitity. Completing all the contents of the design I got clear design ideas, besides correct calculation, reasonable layout of the drawings and mastered the basic theories of the design. Key words : Design, Construction, Structure, Frame ,Technology, Calculation, Working drawings 目 录 前 言 1 第一章 建筑部分 1 1.1 工程概况 1 1.2 建筑场地的地质、水文及气象资料 1 1.3 主要房间面积以及其要求 1 1.4 总平面设计 4 1.5 结构体系的选择 5 1.6 建筑设计 6 1.7 建筑构造 6 1.7.1 墙面构造 6 1.7.2 勒脚防潮层构造 7 1.7.3 散水构造 7 1.7.4 楼地面构造 7 1.7.5 楼梯构造 7 1.7.6 台阶构造 8 1.7.7 屋面构造 8 1.7.8 其他构造 9 第二章 结构设计计算部分 10 2.1 工程概况 10 2.2 建筑场地的地质、水文及气象资料 10 2.3 结构平面布置 11 2.4 主要构件截面尺寸估算 13 2.5 过第⑩轴线的一榀框架的计算 14 2.5.1 框架受荷范围 14 2.5.2 框架各标准层恒荷载的计算及计算简图 15 2.5.3 框架各标准层活荷载的计算及计算简


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