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S1 :Introduction, SaaS Architecture, Ruby and Rails Basics 1. Select the true statement: Agile developers should value: B(P21) A. Processes tools over individuals interactions B. Working software over comprehensive documentation C. Contract negotiation over customer collaboration D. Following a plan over responding to change 2. What is the difference between Waterfall model and the Spiral model? B(P21 自我检查1.8.2) A. The Waterfall model involves a lot of planning and long, major phase changes, whereas the Spiral model involves less planning and short phase changes B. The Waterfall model documents all requirements at the beginning, whereas the Spiral model documents requirements across the iteration as they are needed C. The Waterfall model has long iterations, whereas the Spiral model has quick and short iterations D. Assurance testing in the Waterfall model happens after the completion of each phase and in a final verification phase that includes acceptance tests, whereas assurance testing in the Spiral model happens every 2 months 1. 3. What is the worst kind of code? C (书P11 ) A. legacy code B. static code C. unexpectedly short-lived code D. beautiful code 4. Every piece of knowledge must have a single, unambiguous, authoritative representation within a system is an expression of what principle? D (PPT week1-d 64 ) A. REST B. SAAS C. SOA D. DRY 5. If a software project is behind schedule, it may not be a good idea to add people in order to catch up becaus e: D (SE Quiz) A. Programmers are expensive B. SaaS cannot be built with large teams C. Communication overhead decreases D. It takes time to bring new programmers up to speed 6. What is a benefit of the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture/des


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