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基于JSP的网上在线考试系统的设计 摘 要 网络使用的日益广泛,使得人们对网站的质量的要求越来越高。人们想要看到的网站已不再是文字和图片的简单组合,而需要网页的具有审美、使用价值的同时网页之间可以更完美的交互,这就给网站设计者带来很大的挑战 在线考试系统是学生学习过程中的一个辅助工具,基于Internet或者局域网,其主要功能是实现学生在学习过程中通过本系统对课程进行各个章节的综合测试和评分,以检验学习效果。管理员利用本系统可以进行试卷的测试。同时系统能过进行分数的统计以及成绩的查询,为学生及教师在学习过程中提供帮助。在线考试系统旨在实现考试的无纸化管理,对一些科目的考试可以通过互联在线或局域网进行,方便校方考务的管理,也方便了考生,尤其适在线考试系统旨在实现考试的无纸化管理,对一些科目的考试可以通过互联在线或局域网进行,方便校方考务的管理,也方便了考生。 关键字:jsp;servlet;在线考试系统 Online examination system Abstact The network increasingly widely used, making it the quality of the site have become increasingly demanding. People want to see the site is no longer a simple combination of words and pictures, and aesthetic needs of the page, between the value of the same web page could be more perfect interaction, which gives web designers a great deal of challenge . Online examination system is a learning process support tool, based on the Internet or local area network, its main function is to achieve the students in the learning process through the system in all sections of the curriculum for the comprehensive test, to test learning. The system administrator can use the test papers.At the same time the system can be made for a fraction of the statistics and the results of the inquiry, for students and teachers to assist in the learning process. Online examination system to achieve paperless management of examinations, the examination for some courses online through the Internet or LAN, to facilitate the management of the school Examination, candidates are also convenient, especially suitable for online examination system designed to achieve the non-test paper management, the examination of some subjects can be online or LAN through the Internet to facilitate the management of the school Examination, candidates are also convenient. Online examination system (NES) is that one using servlet+jsp+bean to develop is based on Web to have an examination in the platform online, the goal is examined for the first time for the recruitment talents of th


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