NF D60-300-1儿童家具测试标准.ppt

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NF D60-300-1儿童家具测试标准

Children Furniture NF D 60 – 300 – 1 Materials Generalities Product shall be visually clean exempt form infestation and corrosion Chemical requirements Materials shall not content soluble heavy metals Requirements are the same as the EN 71/3 : 1994 Migration of certain elements Reaction to fire Textile material shall be made out of flash effect free material and stuffing Material shall be compliant with EN 1021 – 1: resistance cigarette ignition 儿童家具 NF D 60 – 300 – 1 材料 通用要求 产品看上去应是干净的没有昆虫和腐蚀迹象。 化学要求 材料应不包含可溶性重金属 与 EN 71/3 : 1994《对某些元素转移的要求对某些元素转移的要求》的要求是一致的。 对于火的反应 纺织材料应用防闪燃的材料和填充料制成。 材料必须符合EN 1021 – 1: 防止香烟点燃的标准 Children Furniture NF D 60 – 300 – 1 Prevention of choking hazard When tested with the biting device the sampling material shall not become accessible Product intended for children under 3 shall not release small parts and non detachable parts shall not detach under a 90 N force. 儿童家具 NF D 60 – 300 – 1 预防窒息的危险 对3岁以下有填充物的产品, 会用右边这个仪器(仿儿童牙齿)做测试,测试过程中会以90N的力拉, 应不可以得到样品的材料。 对被拉下来的小物件,会放进下图的仪器做小物件体积测量,若物件能全部没于白色梯形部分的话,则判该测试不通过。 Children Furniture NF D 60 – 300 – 1 Construction Angles and edge shall be rounded and no sharp edge or point shall be accessible. Pinching There shall be no open-ended tubes greater than 7 mm in diameter. Drilled holes, gaps or cavities with a diameter greater than 7 mm and smaller than 12 mm shall be covered if a 7 mm diameter probe can enter to a depth of 10 mm or more. Shear and squeeze point Product shall be design in a way that they prevent any shear and squeeze Point between moving parts. Pinching can be for finger, member and head. Foldable products shall have double safety locking device to prevent children to fold and unfold without the help of an adult. 儿童家具 NF D 60 – 300 – 1 结构 角和边应倒圆角,没有可以碰到的锐边或锐点。 试指测试 应该没有直径大于7mm末端开口的管子。 如果7mm的试指仪可以伸入且深度大于等于10mm的话,直径在7mm至12mm之间的钻孔、间隙或空腔应被覆盖。 剪切和挤压点 产品的设计方式应避免任何的剪切和挤压点于折叠的位置。特别针对易于夹伤手、脚、头的位置。 可折叠的产品应有双重的保险锁装置来保护儿童在没有成人的帮助下打开和折叠该产品。 Children Furnitur


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