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1, the relationship between teachers and students: the roles of teachers and students in China, due to the reasons, the relationship between teachers and students is relatively distant. For example, in the Chinese high school, no students in the school of call teachers by their first name, unless the private good friends, or the teacher has just graduated from the University of young people, but never in public such wanton. But in the United States, many teachers think that students call their names, behoove is the. But still respected by the students, most of the students not only as their mentor to guide, more take them as their friends. 1、师生关系:在中国,由于师生角色的缘故,师生之间的关系也比较疏远。举例来说,我在中国读高中的时候,没有学生会在学校里直呼老师的名字,除非是私底下很好的朋友,或者老师也只是刚大学毕业不久的年轻人,但也不会在公众场合这样“放肆”。但在美国,许多老师认为学生直呼他们的名字,是理所当然的。但仍然受到学生们的尊重,多数的学生不仅视他们的导师为指导者,更把他们当成自己的朋友。 2, the Chinese educational system is different: most of the children at 7 years old to go to school. In 6 years of primary school, junior high school three years, three years of high school, and university. Only a few areas, children at the age of 5to go to school. But the education system. The United States is not the same, here, in general, the United States high school takes four years, three years of middle school, primary school is five years. However, some school district primary school, going from one year to the sixth grade, and relative to junior high school from grade seven to grade eight. However, the Chinese students ( micro-blog ), to the United States, or of any other country in the books, is to read a year University, want to join a year, also in order to make students better master the English language ( Forum ). 2、学制的不同:中国大部分的孩子都在7岁左右上学。小学6年,初中三年,高中三年,再是大学。只有少数地区,孩子在5岁时候上学。但教育体制基本一样。美国不一样,在这里,一般来说,美国高中采取四年制,初中三年,小学则是五年。然而,有些学区里,小学会从一年到六年级,而初中相对地从七年级到八年级。 但是,中国的留学(微博)生,要来美国,或者任何其他国家的读书的话,都要读一年的“大学预科”,要衔接上一年,也为了让留学生更好地掌握英语(论坛)。 In 3, scoring: score is usually divided into two kinds: one kind is to use digital method, but not general


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