German Federal Film Fund FFA德国联邦电影基金FFA.pdf

German Federal Film Fund FFA德国联邦电影基金FFA.pdf

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German Federal Film Fund FFA德国联邦电影基金FFA

Guideline Issued by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media “Incentive to Strengthen the Film Industry in Germany” (German Federal Film Fund) 17 September 2012 Issued by: The Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media (hereinafter: BKM) Graurheindorfer Straße 198 53117 Bonn Internet: 1 Table of Contents I. Principles and Objectives 4 § 1 Purpose of a Grant and Objective of the Measures 4 II. Recipient of a Grant 4 § 2 Recipient of a Grant 4 III. Grant Requirements 5 Chapter 1: 5 Grant Requirements to be satisfied by the Applicant 5 § 3 Applicant 5 Chapter 2: 7 Film-Related Grant Requirements 7 § 4 Definitions of Terms 7 § 5 Film-Related Requirements 8 § 6 Theatrical Release 8 § 7 Holdback Periods and Television Broadcasting Rights 9 § 8 Applicant’s Contribution 9 § 9 Minimum Amount of German Production Costs 10 § 10 Test of Cultural Characteristics 10 § 11 International Co-Productions 10 § 12 Archiving 11 IV. Nature, Scope and Amount of a Grant 11 § 13 Nature of a Grant 11 § 14 Amount of a Grant; Total Production Costs eligible for a Grant 11 V. Procedure 13 § 15 Competent Authority 13 § 16 Filing of Applications and Application Procedure 13 § 17 Approval 14 § 18 Disbursement 15 § 19 Repayment 15 § 20 Compliance with the Law Governing the Grant 15 VI. Information 16 § 21 Information 16 VII. Advisory Board 16 § 22 Composition of the Advisory Board and Procedure 16 § 23 Decisions of the Advisory Board 16 VIII. Evaluation 17 § 24 Evaluation of the Measure 17 IX. Final Provisions 17 § 25 Competence of the Superior Federal Authority for Culture and the Media 17 § 26 Provisions



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