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Ⅱ.Contrast and differences Due to the influence of history and culture, there exist many distinctions in Chinese and Western, some of which is huge. As advertisements, the Chinese and English must have something in common. Yet the two languages have different characteristics, social backgrounds and cultural deposits which decide their dissimilitude. Next, I’ll discuss their distinctions in four aspects. 1. Language differences: The differences embody in rhythm. The differences of means of expression between Chinese and English advertisements embody in language. The advertisement is used to deliver information of goods or service. And it’s the core of advertisement. The language differences focus on rhythm. (1). Chinese: embody in rhyme and reduplicated words Chinese has always paid much attention to cadence and rhythm, mainly performing in rhyme and reduplicated words. The creation of advertisement is greatly influenced by the rule. They generally adjust rhythmic structure consciously or unconsciously in order to increase the advertisements’ attraction and infection and improve the cognition degree. The reduplicated words are common style to embody the beauty of music, image and expression. In the meantime, reduplicated words specifically belong to Chinese. For example: ① 柔柔的风,甜甜的梦 (soft wind, sweet dream) ② 舒舒服服入睡,清清爽爽醒来 (fall asleep cozily, wake up refreshingly) ③ 清凉凉的世界,暖融融的爱心 (cool world, warm love) … As mentioned above, the repetition of syllable can not only increase some new grammatical meanings, but also bring a language beauty. In cadence and rhythm, Chinese and English have great distinctions. Chinese is syllable-timed, whereas English is stress-timed. Chinese advertisements’ rhythm and location of pause are generally decided by sense-groups. And their level and oblique tones accord with certain standards. The catchy advertisements must rhyme and always rhyme the same tone. For example: ④ 李宁领带,王者气派 (Lining tie, king style) ⑤ 浪迹天涯伴你行,与狼共舞传真情 (wandering arou


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