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第六章 天体的红外观测 /cosmic_ classroom/ir_tutorial/index.html/ 天体的红外观测在近代天体物理 研究中正在发挥着越来越重要的作 用,有人认为,未来天体物理的重 大发现,很可能在射电和红外波段 (包括亚毫米波)。 §6.1 红外天文观测的意义和特点 红外波段是位于可见光和亚毫米波,射电波段之间,红外 辐射的波长范围为: 770nm~(200-350) μm, 亚毫米波: (200-350) μm ~1mm 红外波段又可分为: 对应温度范围(K) WHAT WE SEE 近红外: (0.7-1) to 5 μ; 740 to (3,000-5,200) Cooler red stars Red giants Dust is transparent 中红外: 5 to (25-40) μ; (92.5-140) to 740 Planets, comets and asteroids Dust warmed by starlight Protoplanetary disks 远红外 (25-40) to (200-350) μ; (10.6-18.5) to (92.5-140) Emission from cold dust Central regions of galaxies Very cold molecular clouds 6.1.1 红外天文发展简史: 红外观测最早可追溯到19世纪初, 1800年英国天文学家赫歇尔 (W.Herschel) 用棱镜和温度计观测到 太阳的红外辐射, blue: 80 ° yellow: 83° infrared: 86 °F Warm-Blooded vs. Cold-Blooded IR Astronomy • Infrared Astronomy is the detection and study of the infrared radiation (heat energy) emitted from objects in the Universe. All objects emit infrared radiation. So, Infrared Astronomy involves the study of just about everything in the Universe. In the field of astronomy, the infrared region lies within the range of sensitivity of infrared detectors, which is between wavelengths of about 1 and 300 microns. The human eye detects only 1% of light at 0.69 microns, and 0.01% at 0.75 microns, and so effectively cannot see wavelengths longer than about 0.75 microns unless the light source is extremely bright. • The contellation Orion as you go from a


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