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本科毕业设计 连续式洗米机设计 The design of the continuous rice washing machine 性 质: ?毕业设计 □毕业论文 教 学 院: 机电工程学院 系 别: 机械电子系 学生学号: 学生姓名: 专业班级: 指导教师: 职 称: 起止日期: 2015.3.1~2015.6.19 摘 要 本设计是根据国内外洗米机的发展趋势:小型化,高效率,结构简单等,而设计的一种能除去谷壳等漂浮杂质及沙石、用水量少的新型连续式洗米机。适用于学校食堂,大型饭店等部门,操作安全方便以及制造成本低等优点。着重设计计算了水平螺旋,倾斜螺旋及与其向对应的减速器的设计校核计算,机架的设计与校核;水平与倾斜螺旋上的叶面采用实体叶面即S制法,以便于输送粒状物料;减速器的设计中又着重设计与校核齿轮和轴,本设计的减速器是二级展开式减速器,二级展开式减速器能实现较大的传动比,应用较广,其中各级传动比的分配方案不同将影响减速器的重量及外观尺寸和润滑状况。减速器中采用了直齿齿轮传动,深沟球轴承,脂润滑。减速器与螺旋的联结采用联轴器联结。 关键词:连续式;洗米机;原理;结构 Abstract The design is based on the river and the development trends: small size, high efficiency and simple structure, designed to remove floating silver, and other impurities and sand, a new low-water river plane. Apply to school canteens, large hotels and other departments, operational safety and convenience advantages of low manufacturing costs. On the calculation of the level design spiral, tilted downward and its counterpart to the reducer design verification terms, the design and verification racks; Level and tilted spiral leaf surface of the leaf surface entities that use s-law to facilitate transmission granulose materials; Reducer also focus on design and design verification gear and axle, The design is secondary to the reducer - reducer, 2-reducer to achieve a larger than projected, broader applications, including the distribution of the different levels of transmission than reducer will affect the appearance and size and weight provide lubrication conditions. Reducer used straight teeth gear transmission, the passenger ball bearings, resin provide lubrication. Reducer used shaft coupling linking up with the screw. Key Words:continuous;washing rice machine;principle;constitution 目 录 摘 要 I Abstract II 第1章 绪论 1 1.1清洗业的背景 1 1.2 我国清洗业发展概况 1 1.3 各类洗米机简介 2 1.4 本章小结 3 第2章 洗米机传动方案的设计 4 2.1 洗米机传动方案的确定 4 2.2电动机的选择 5 2.3运动和动力参数的计算 6 2.3.1 水平螺旋运动和动力参数计算 6 2.3.2倾斜螺旋运动和动力参数计算 7 2.4本章小结 7 第3章 水平螺旋减速器设计 8 3.1水平螺旋减速器高速级齿轮传动设计 8 3.1.1选择齿轮材料及热处


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