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毕业论文论文题目:论自动化测试与手动测试的优劣内容摘要首先需要了解,什么是手工测试,什么是自动化测试。软件测试的目的是什么。手工测试的优点与缺点,自动化测试的优点与缺点。有哪些软件测试工具,常用的工具使用方法。手工测试与自动化测试的区别,如何正确的使用。软件测试工作是手工测试和自动化测试的软件质量保障的方法。怎样更好的实用两种方法是我们现在所要探究的。我们什么时候实用手工测试又什么时候使用自动化测试?对于某些基本的,逻辑性简单的操作,自动化测试工具更加实用。基于现实,自动化测试在性能测试、压力测试等方面,有其不可代替的优势。可以用简单的脚本,来让它实现大量的重复的操作。再通过对测试结果的分析,得出结论,这样不仅节省了大量的人力和物力的同时更会使测试的结果精确。对于逻辑性很强的操作,如果自动化测试不是很完善的话,建议不要使用。自动化测试需要比较复杂的脚本语言,而测试脚本本身的缺陷也会造成测试结果错误的误差。这时手动测试就比自动化测试更实用。而手工测试也必然存在着某些缺陷,重复手工回归测试是手工测试者最常做的工作,不但需要付出昂贵的人力、物力等代价,而且操作过程中容易出错。自动化测试却可以减少但不能消除这种繁琐却重要工作的工作量。[关键词]手工测试自动化测试缺陷应用选择AbstractWe need to understand, what is the manual test, what is the test automation. What is the purpose of software testing. The advantages and disadvantages of manual test, advantages and disadvantages of automated testing. What is software testing tools, commonly used tools. Differences between manual and automated testing, how to use the correct.Software testing is a method of software quality assurance manual testing and automated testing. The utility and how to better the two kind of method is that we are going to explore now. When we applied the manual test and when to use the automated testing? For some basic, operation simple logic, automated testing tool is more practical. Based on the reality, the automated testing in performance testing, stress testing, has its irreplaceable advantages. Can use simple script, to make it realize large amount of repetitive operations. Through the analysis of the test results, the conclusion, it not only saves a lot of manpower and material resources at the same time will make the test results accurately. For the strong logic operation, if the automation testing is not perfect enough, do not recommend the use of. Test automation requires more complex script language, and test defect script itself can also cause the test results of error. When a manual test is more practical than the automated test.And manual testing there must exist some defects, repetitive manual regression testing is most of


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