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Objective目标 Do your job better 更好地完成工作 Build confidence and self-esteem 增强自信自尊 Gain respect 获得尊重 Improve your earning power 改善挣钱能力 Solve everyday workplace problems 解决日常难题 Improve your potential for promotions 提高你的升职潜力 Learn more about hospitality industry 增加酒店理解 Understand your management responsibilities 掌握管理职责 Lesson Outline 课程概要 What Is Leadership? 何为领导作用? Traits of Leaders 领导人的素质 Leadership Styles 领导方式 Varying Your Leadership Style 变换您的领导方式 Assertiveness 确决 After this module, you should be able to: 本章培训结束之后你将能够: Identify and begin to develop leadership traits. 确认并且开始培养作为领导应具备的要素。 Know the difference between personal and positional power. 能够区分个人权力与职位权力的不同。 Understand the different styles of leadership and when each is best used. 懂得不同的领导方式和使用每一种方式的最佳场合。 Know what assertive behavior is and how to act assertively. 知道何为确决的表现和如何确决地行事。 Discover The Differences 找 出 不 同 Supervisor 主管 - A supervisor might force employees to do their jobs 一个主管有可能强迫员工做工作。 Leader 领导 - A leader inspires them and guides them 一个领导会感召并指引属下工作。 Leadership 领导 作用 - Leadership means influencing others to work according to a plan. 领导作用的含义是影响他人按照计划去工作。 NO ONE IS BORN A LEADER, BUT MOST OF US CAN LEARN TO BE LEADERS. 没有人天生是领导, 但我们大都能够学会当领导。 What Is Leadership? 何为领导作用? Good Leaders/Bad Leaders 好的领导/坏的领导 Traits of Leaders 领导人的素质 Strong Desire to Succeed 强烈的成功欲 Education 教育 Good Judgment 良好的判断 Empathy 同情心 Self-confidence 自信心 Creativity and Drive 创造性和干劲 Enthusiasm and Optimism 热情和乐观 TIPS to acquire the traits of a leader 培养领导素质的秘诀 Take good care of your body and your mind. 细心保持您本人的身心健康。 Think before you s


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