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毕业设计说明书 盐城工学院校友之家网站的设计与实现 专业 计算机科学与技术 学生姓名 班级 学号 指导教师 完成日期 盐城工学院校友之家网站的设计与实现 摘 要:盐城工学院建校50多年,校友遍布各行各业。为了给广大校友们提供更多更全面的信息和一个自由开放的信息交流平台,盐城工学院校友办决定组织建设盐城工学院校友之家网站。 盐城工学院校友之家网站是围绕“如何更好的实现校友与校友之间的沟通与交流、实现信息共享”这样一个主线,创建校友和校友之间的合作平台,发挥校友和母校之间的桥梁作用,将母校和各地校友及校友会更紧密地联系起来。盐城工学院校友之家网站分前台和后台两个主要模块,系统前台的主要功能有:校友注册、校友撷英、校友分会、信息平台、校友论坛和留言板。系统后台的主要功能有:注册校友管理、新闻管理、信息平台管理、留言管理和论坛管理等 盐城工学院校友之家网站使用Asp技术建设,后台数据库使用SQL Server 2005。在设计过程中使用了DIV+CSS对页面进行布局和美化,使网站整体感觉更加清爽简洁。网页中的表单都使用了JavaScript对提交的信息进行客户端验证,提高系统对信息的验证效率。 关键词:校友会;校友之家;校友论坛;信息平台 Design and Implementation based on Technology Alumnus House Web Site of Yancheng Institute Abstract: Yancheng Institute of Technology has a history of more than 50 years, and its students are working for many fields and industries. In order to supply a platform for exchanging information conveniently to alumni, Yancheng Institute of Technology Alumnus Office decide to construct this website as Alumnus Family. The core theme of Alumnus Family is how to improve the connection and communication between alumni and share their news and information. It supplies a cooperation platform for alumni and build a bridge to combine the college with the alumni. The Alumnus Family system can be divided into two main modules of foreground and background. The foreground module includes some functions, such as registration, featured alumni, alumni club, information list, BBS and leaving message. The background module mainly includes alumnus management, news post management, information management, message management, BBS management and etc. The website system is based on asp web technology and use the MS SQL 2005 as the database. All web pages are designed and made prettification via the DIV+CSS HTML layout technology. The form submition is added the javascript data validated. Therefore, the website is running efficiently and securely. Key words: Alumnus association; Alumnus House; alumnus forums; Information Platform 目 录 1 概 述 1 2 课题研究背景与意义 1


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