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某柠檬酸废水处理工程设计 The Design of Citric Acid Wastewater Treatment Project 摘 要 我国是世界上最大的柠檬酸生产和出口国,但柠檬酸生产工艺的固有特点使其生产过程中产生大量高浓度废水,成为环境的严重污染源,因此,废水治理已成为我国柠檬酸行业的当务之急。 柠檬酸废水处理方法有生产饲料酵母法、上流式厌氧污泥床(UASB)工艺、活性污泥法、光合细菌法、乳状液法及综合处理法等。本设计着重从节省运行成本和提高处理效率角度出发,采用厌氧——二级接触好氧的处理方法。对工艺流程中各个设备及构筑物的工作原理及特点作了详细说明;对各处理设备和构筑物进行了详细的设计计算,确定了各处理设备和构筑物的结构尺寸、废水处理工程的平面布置和高程布置,并对废水处理工程进行了工程概预算,该工程总投资为130万元,处理费用为每立方米废水0.81元。 关键词:柠檬酸废水;废水处理;厌氧;好氧; Abstract China is the worlds largest producers and exporters of citric acid, citric acid production process but the inherent characteristics of the production process to produce a large number of high-strength wastewater, the environment has become a serious source of pollution, therefore, wastewater treatment, has become Chinas citric acid industry priority.) Citric acid wastewater treatment method of feed yeast production method, upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) processes, activated sludge, photosynthetic bacteria law emulsion method and the integrated treatment of law. Focusing on the design to save costs and improve operation efficiency point of view, the use of anaerobic - aerobic secondary treatment of contacts. Of process equipment and structures in each of the working principle and characteristics explained in detail; on the processing equipment and structures in detail the design and calculation to determine the structure of the processing equipment and the structure size, waste water treatment works layout and elevation layout, and a wastewater treatment works project budget, which projects a total investment of 130 million deal with a cost of 0.81 yuan per cubic meter of wastewater. Keywords: Citric Acid wastewater, Wastewater Treatment, Floatation, Oxidation, Reduction 第一章 绪论 1.1 柠檬酸废水的来源与水质特征 在我国,柠檬酸生产主要以薯干、玉米等为原料,用薯干为原料,采用薯干粉原料深层发酵法生产柠檬酸是我国独特的先进工艺。该工艺不需特别添加营养盐类或其他产酸促进剂,而且产量较高,且资源丰富,价格低廉。国外生产柠檬酸主要以糖蜜为原料,糖蜜的组成复杂,一般需要进行糖蜜预处理方可进行柠檬酸正常生产。国内柠檬酸生产的工艺流程如图1-l. 在柠檬酸生产过程中,薯干粉原料在发酵罐与发酵菌混合,在通风和搅拌的条件下进行发酵反应。发酵后的混合液中,大部分是溶解态的柠檬酸,并含有许多其他杂质与代谢产物,如


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