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* Oct 10 全国所有人都面临着花费上涨同样的问题。be faced with 尽管他是个大歌星,他的歌没几首我熟悉。Familiar 你已算出整个暑假去旅游要花多少钱了吗?figure out 我一见到他心中就充满着感激之情。be filled with 5. 他在实验中多次失败,但他相信失败是 成功之母。fail People throughout the country are all faced with the same problem of the rising costs. Though he is a great singer, few of his songs are familiar to me. Have you figured out how much the summer vacation will cost you for the trip? My heart was filled with thankfulness/gratitude as soon as / the moment I saw him. He has failed in his experiments many times, but he believes that failure is the mother of success. Oct 11 我深深被这一景象吸引,不忍把目光移开。be fascinated by 事实上我不赞同母亲卖掉老房子。in favor of 当新老师进来时,所有学生都将目光投向了她。fix---on 学生被要求把注意力集中在文章的理解上。focus---on 一般来说,诗人喜欢住在远离人群的自然风景中。free from I was so fascinated by the sight that I could not take my eyes off it. In fact, I’m not in favor of mother’s selling the old house. When the new teacher came in, all the students fixed their eyes on her. The students were required to focus their attention on the understanding of the article. Generally speaking, poets prefer living in the scenery free from crowds of people. Oct 12 高考结束不久学生们就急于知道考试结果。eager 过去许多穷人家的孩子由于父母无能力抚养只好自谋生路。earn one’s living 每次我考试失败,我妈妈都会鼓励我继续努力。encourage 现代航天技术的最新发展使得人类能去太空旅游。enable 开始似乎没人喜欢这个笑话,但最后大家都为之大笑起来。end up 1.The students are eager to know the result not long after the national entrance examination. 2. In the past many children of the poor families had to earn their living because their parents were not able to bring them up. 3. Every time I fail in exams, my mother will encourage me to try again. 4. The latest of the modern space technology enables mankind to travel in space. 5. At first, no one seemed to like the joke but they enables mankind to travel in space. Oct 13 他年轻时想从事对外贸易工作。engage in 总统的讲话对这个国家的经济发展产生了重大影响。 have---effect on 这个调皮的小男孩尽最大努力来听老师正教的内容。 make ---effort 并非所有的人都知道成功的教育不应过于强调


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