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Lean Manufacturing Overview 概述 Participant Guide 学员手册 Bestway Lean Training Program, July 2001 ( Shanghai ) Starting with Toyota in the late 50’s and catching on in the mid – 80’s in the reminder of the industrial world, Lean Manufacturing has become a key strategy for manufacturers 起源于20世纪50年代丰田汽车公司,而在80年代中期被欧美企业纷纷采用。随着微利时代的来临,精益生产模式成为企业竞争的有力武器 Shorter lead time and on time delivery 快速并准时交货 Grow the mix,special configurations 需求品种增加,特殊定制 Maintain / improve quality and reduce price 不断改进质量及降低销售价格 Total life cycle of product becoming shorter and shorter 产品的生命周期越来越短 No boundary,business globalize village 无国界,业务“地球村” The are two ways to think about the relationship of Price, Cost and Profit 在价格,成本和利润的关系中,有两种不同的思考方法: 1。传统的方法 销售价格 = 成本 + 利润 2。新的方法 利润 =销售价格 – 成本 Lean -“精益”释义 精益:形容词 1: a:无肉或少肉, b:少脂肪或无脂肪 2: 不富裕 3: 在必要性,重要性,质量或成分方面稀缺 4: 文体或措词简练 同义词:薄,极瘦,过分瘦长,骨瘦如柴,瘦削的, 似 骨的,消瘦的,细长的,瘦长的 反义词: 肥胖的,多肉的,过重的,不结实的,过分 肥胖的,丰满的,粗短的,肥大的,软的 Whatever You Call It 不管你称呼它什么 Lean Manufacturing Flow Manufacturing Continuous Flow Demand Pull Demand Flow Technology Toyota Production System _____ Production System etc?.. Lean Manufacturing - Key Characteristics 精益制造 - 关键特性 Focus on SPEED and SIMPLIFICATION Pull materials through the process Balanced operations based on customer demand Minimal build unless tied to customer order Extend to Supplier Base 着眼于速度和过程简化 在生产过程中“拉动”材料 根据客户的需求平衡操作 除非受订单的限制,否则最小批量生产 延伸至供应商 What is Flow Manufacturing? 什么是流动生产? A time based system that pulls material through a production system with no interruptions 建立在时间基础上,无障碍地拉动物料流经生产系统 Time and Impact 时间与影响 Time in Manufacturing 生产中的时间 Benchmark Results 定标结果 Benchmark Results 定标结果 Lean Manufacturing Foundations 实施精益的基础 Eliminate Wastes 5S and Visual Workplace Error Proofing People Involvement 消除浪费 工作场地组织及直观管理 差错预防 员工参与 Correction 返工 Overproduction 过量生产 Conveyance 搬运 Motion 多余动作 Waiting 等待 Inventory 库存 Pro


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