emotional civilization construction research of emotional tv programs——as an example of “love defense”word论文.docxVIP

emotional civilization construction research of emotional tv programs——as an example of “love defense”word论文.docx

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emotional civilization construction research of emotional tv programs——as an example of “love defense”word论文

摘要人类,是世界上最具情感的动物,语言和文化赋予我们独特的思维能力, 而丰富多彩的情感则使得我们更具魅力。情感需要表达,需要宣泄,需要互动, 需要传播。情感类电视节目在社会转型的大背景下应运而生,为人们提供了一 个表达自我、情感沟通的平台。电视节目通过荧屏进入到公众视野后,就具有意识形态属性,并不可避免 地传播着道德意识、价值观念、审美趣味和文化品位。大众需要精神食粮,需 要媒体传承文化、传播文明,因此,掌握话语权的媒体有责任和义务建设人类 美好的精神家园,传播社会正能量,弘扬中华美德,提高大众的审美修养和精 神素质。在情感类电视节目《爱情保卫战》中所谈到的房子、工作、家庭、出 轨、大男子主义、公主病等诸多“论战”主题,涉及到爱情中的常见问题,客 观、真实地反映了当今的社会现实,成为人们了解社会、思考爱情的一种途径。 在节目中,主持人赵川的正确引导,嘉宾们的客观点评,实事求是、一语中的 的原则表明了该节目的精神价值和媒介责任,这对大众树立正确的道德观念、 是非判断具有引导作用,对情感文明建构具有一定程度的影响。本文结合传播学、社会学、心理学等相关内容,研究人类情感和情感类电 视节目,着重分析情感类电视节目《爱情保卫战》的情感传播特点、功能和其 对情感文明建构所发挥的作用,以人类情感为切入点,以一个崭新的视角论述 走“平民情感路线”的情感类电视节目。关键词:情感;《爱情保卫战》;情感传播;情感文明IAbstractHuman is the most emotional animal in the world, language and culture give us unique thinking ability, While, rich and colorful emotion make us more attractive. Emotion needs to express, needs to vent, needs to interact, and needs to spread. Emotional programs of TV produced with the big background of social transformation, it provides a self-expression and emotional communication platform for people.TV shows will have ideological attributes after it through the screen into public eyes, and it inevitable spread of the moral consciousness, values, aesthetic taste and culture standard. People need spiritual food, need the media heritage culture and spread of civilization, therefore, the media have a responsibility to construct human beautiful spiritual home, spread the positive energy, promote Chinese virtue, improve the aesthetic taste and culture standard of the mass. In the emotional program love defense, it talk about house, work, family, infidelity, male chauvinism, princess disease, and many other controversy theme, involves the common problems in love, objective and truly reflect the current social reality, turn into a way for people to understand the social and think of love. On the show, the correct guidance of zhao chuan, the objective review of guests, the principle of seek truth from facts and hit the nail on the head shows the media responsibility and


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