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Unit 3 What are you going to do? magazine Unit 3 What are you going to do? dictionary Unit 3 What are you going to do? Comic book Unit 3 What are you going to do? Unit 3 What are you going to do? Post card newspaper Unit 3 What are you going to do? Let’s try: What are you going to buy? I’m going to buy a/an/some….. =(I am) magazines Comic books Post cards newspapers …… What Where When 开动脑筋想一想,下面的这是什么词?分别问了什么?要怎么回答? ? Unit 3 What are you going to do? What Where When 答案揭晓: 1、这三个词是特殊疑问词, 2、特殊疑问词要根据问的内容做具体回答。 意义是“什么”,要根据问的内容来回答。 如:what’s your name? my name is XXX. 意义是“那里”,具体回答地点那里 。 如:where is your school? My school is near the post office. 意义是“什么时候”,具体回答时间 。 如:when are you going to school tomorrow? I’m going to school at 7:00. Unit 3 What are you going to do? Group work: 根据这三个特殊疑问词+具体地点+具体物体+具体时间进行句型练习: 1、where are you going… I’m going to….. 2、what are you going to buy/there? I’m going to buy some…. 3、when are you going? I’m going at….. Part B Let’s talk 学前思考 1、对话中出现了几个问句?分别是什么问句? 2、对话中的问句用了什么特征词?分别是什么?这些特征词问了什么问题?应该怎么回答? 3、对话中用了什么时态?这个时态的原型机构是什么?动词是否发生了变化?怎么变化的?为什么这么变? 4、第一句中的“ this afternoon”可否替换成课文中所给的其他三个时间段?自己尝试替换。 Unit 3 What are you going to do? Amy: Where are you going this afternoon? Chen: I’m going to the bookstore. Amy: What are you going to buy? Chen: I’m going to buy a comic book. Amy: When are you going? Chen: I’m going at 3 o’clock. 知识拓展 At , In 和On这三个介词的用法: At In 与On这三个介词都可以用来修饰时间的词 1、at 用在时刻前,也可以表示:“在…点”,在夜晚等。 如:at nine 在9点 at night 在晚上 2、in 用于月份、季节、年份、节日前、也可以用来表示具“在早上、在下午、在晚上等。 如:in March 在三月 in Spring 在春天 in 2008在2008年 in the morning 在早上 3、on 用在日期、星期、节日前,也可以用来表示具体某天或某天的早上、下午、晚上等。 如:on July 12th 在7月12日 on Monday在星期一 on Monday evening 在星期一晚上 on New Year’s Day 在新年 Unit 3 What are you going to do? pair work: Reporter’s questions Answers 1. where are you going this afternoon? 2. what are you going to buy/there? 3. when are you going? The end Thank you


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