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2009职称英语考试—理工类(B级)   第一题:词汇选项参考答案讲评   1. call-phone   2. conversation-talk   3. proposed-suggested   4. relied on-depended on   5. breaks-beats   6. cheerful-happy   7. exhibited-displayed   8. fury-anger   9. diligent-hardworking   10.persistent-continuous   11.eternal-everlasting   12.wrecked-damaged   13.authentic-genuine   14.lure-attraction   15.puzzle-mystery   答案:   A D C A B B A D C D B A D B D   第二题:阅读判断   参考答案讲评   16. It is estimated that water use will rise by 50% in the next 30 years. (A)   17. Most developed countries will face water shortage in 20 years. (B)   18. Most of the world’s population may live within 100 km of the sea in 2025. (A)   19. Almost all coral reefs may disappear in 100 years. (B)   20. Some species of fish in the Atlantic are at dangerously low level. (C)   21. The world bank report implies that urgent action should be taken to protect water supplies. (A)   22. India exceeds (will exceed)environmental limits for water use. (B)   标准答案为 ABABCAB   第三题:概括大意与完成句子   参考答案讲评   23. Paragraph 1 C:   implications of chimpanzee extinction for humans (段落最后一句)   24. Paragraph 2 E: Genetic similarities between chimps and humans(段落第一句及段落中间部分均提及)   25. Paragraph 3 B:reasons for HIV resistance(该主题需要考生结合下个段落内容推断出来)   26. Paragraph 4 F:Chimps’ resistance to HIV(段落第一句)   27. D. human survival   28. E. Human genomes(基因组)   29. C; some diseases   30: B: some human disease treatment (出题句在文章第5段)   B22的标准答案为 CEBF DECB   第四题:阅读理解第1篇:Water   (没找到原文)31 世原文 D   32   好像是世界水总量 B 总水量维持不变?   33   是大部分的可饮用水资源储存 答案A 冰川和山川?   34   翻译短语 D 少量的?   35   raildown land多于ocean 还是ocean多于land?   B22的标准答案为DBADC (红色字体有待大家考证,黑色字体已经确认正确)   第2篇:Mind-reading   (参考教材,好像其中一个题选项提问与教材不一样)   32. Mind-reading1 Machine   A team of researchers in California has developed a way to predict what kinds of objects people are looking at by scanning whats happening in their brains.   When you look at something, your eyes send a signal about that object to your brain. Different regions of the brain


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