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Chapter 4 An Overview of Business Writing Introduction To possess excellent written communication skills is essential. How to improve your business writing skills ? Level 1: Document How to identify your readers? Types of readers: primary and secondary Readers’ interests State relevant information in a concise and coherent manner Back Back Level 1: Document Business Letter: the most formal style Memo: a less formal style E-mail: the least formal style Level 1: Document Build the readers’ interest : One method is to refer to an existing situation; to establish a context. Explain your purpose for writing: So they can read with that purpose in mind Document preview : Include a brief “table of contents” “To expand upon yesterday’s discussion of standard of living and salary increases…” “As you know, we are currently planning to enter the U.S. market with our furniture product line and have an upcoming meeting with IKEA to discuss retailing our newest chair design.” Back “This report is about our after-sales service that we have provided for our customers in the South in the first 6 months of the fiscal year.” “I am writing to provide an update on the development of our new products.” Back “This report is divided into four main sections: (1) the maintenance service we provided, (2) the repair service we provided, (3) an analysis of the income and costs related to the services we provided, and (4) our plan for developing the service work in the remaining portion of the fiscal year.” Level 1: Document Summarize the most important ideas or state a recommendation or decision To end with an “action plan” as the most typical closing Do not introduce a completely new topic Keep your message as short as possible Level 2: Paragraphs Generalization and support–Each paragraph should begin with a generalization, and every sentence in the paragraph should suppo


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