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Activity 1 Morgan Rees ①has always been a good businessman. He ①used to ②own three petrol stations and ①was busy most of the time. When he ①was 65, the ③normal retirement age, he ①decided④ that he ①didn’t want to ⑤stop, so he ①carried on working⑥ for another two years. ⑦Eventually, when he ①was ⑧nearly 68, his wife, Dolly, ①asked him to retire because she ①wanted to enjoy their old age together. ⑨Reluctantly, he ①handed over⑩ the business to his son. 摩根·里斯一直是一位不错的生意人。他曾有过属于自己的加油站,而且一直都很忙。当他65岁时, 也就是正常的退休年龄时,他决定不想停止工作,所以他又接着干了两年。结果在他快68岁的时候,他妻子多利让他退休,希望能和他一起共度晚年的时光。所以他非常不情愿地把业务交给了自己的儿子。 ① 注意一般过去时在描述过去事情时的应用。以及现在完成时(强调过去的动作对现在的影响)。used to do sth. 表示“过去常常怎么样,(但现在已经不再)” ② own vt.有;adj.自己的 当own当动词用时,相对于have。当形容词用时,经常为:(on) one’s own 自己一个人。 ③ normal adj. 正常的 norm n. 标准,准则 abnormal adj. 不正常的 ④ decide (make up one’s mind) 决定 He decided to carry on. / He made up his mind to carry on. 他决定继续。 ⑤ stop doing sth. 停止做某事(正在进行的);stop to do sth. 停止(目前正在做的事情)去做(另外一件事情) We stopped having the class when the power was out. 当停电的时候我们停止了上课。 We stopped to have a rest when the power was out. 当停电的时候我们停下来去休息。 ⑥ carry on with sth. / carry on doing sth. 继续做(因故停下的)某事 (相对于 go on doing sth.) He carried on with his project when he came back from holiday. 度完假回来后他继续手头上的工程。 ⑦ eventually (at last / finally) 最后 ⑧ nearly 几乎,差不多 almost 几乎,差不多 almost 比nearly的差距要小。如: It’s almost lunchtime. (可能差三分钟) It’s nearly lunchtime. (可能差一刻钟) * Almost 可以和never,no,none,nothing,nobody,nowhere等表示否定意思的词连用,(nearly不能)此时可用hardly 替换,但因hardly本身就带否定意思,所以后面不能再用否定词。 Almost never (hardly ever), almost nobody (hardly anybody), almost no money (hardly any money) * Nearly 可跟not连用“not really” ”远远不如“,almost不能单独跟not连用。 * 但两者都可用在行为动词的否定式前: He almost (nearly) didn’t hear what I said. 他几乎没听到我的话。 ⑨ reluctantly (unwillingly) 不愿意地 ⑩ hand over sth. to sb. 把…移交给(某人) Hand in (your homework) 上交(作业) Hand in hand 手拉手 Hand to hand 打架,肉搏 In hand 在手里,在掌握中 Out of hand 失去控制 But he was ①unhappy. He didn’t know what to ②do with himself.


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