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摘 要 本文从国际商务合同的概念及重要性着手,分析了国际商务合同的语言用词特征——正式性和专业性,分别介绍了其中商务专业术语、法律术语、专用词、古体词、书卷词、并列词的运用;并以目的论为指导,通过对实际国际商务合同中易出错的译例的具体分析,从英汉互译两方面对国际商务合同的翻译策略展开讨论。目的在于为商务人士在进行国际商务合同的翻译时提供一定参考,从而提高国际商务合同的翻译水平。 关键词:国际商务合同; 用词特点; 目的论; 翻译技巧 ABSTRACT On the basis of the conception and importance of international business contracts, this thesis analyzes the diction characteristics from the aspects of professionalism and formality, including the business terms, legal terms, technical terms, archaic words, literary words, and coordinate words. Under the guidance of the Skopos Theory, this thesis employs several practical translation strategies in English-Chinese translation and Chinese-English translation by analyzing some examples that are easily misunderstood in daily commercial life. The thesis aims to offer business people the relative translation guidelines while doing the international business contract translation so as to better their translation skills. Key words:International Business Contract; Diction Characteristics; Skopos Theory; Translation strategies Contents 1.Introduction 1 2. A Survey of International Business Contract 2 2.1 Definition of International Business Contract 2 2.2 Categories of International Business Contract 2 3. The Diction Characteristics of International Business Contract 4 3. 1 Professionalism 4 3. 2 Formality 6 4. Translation of International Business Contracts 11 4.1 Present Situation of International Business Contracts Translation 11 4.2 Skopos Theory in International Business Contract Translation 12 5.Conclusion 18 Acknowledgements 19 References 20 1.Introduction Since the implementation of reform and opening policy in China, in particular, with China’s entry into WTO, China has been deeply melting into the world. Especially in its field of trade, more and more business people tend to contract with foreigners. A contract is an agreement giving rise to obligations which are enforced or recognized by the law [1]1. Since all the parties need co


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