商英3111斯吉辉 魏奇文 刘娜 周丽慧精选.ppt

商英3111斯吉辉 魏奇文 刘娜 周丽慧精选.ppt

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商英3111斯吉辉 魏奇文 刘娜 周丽慧精选

The Joy Luck Club Contents The Joy Luck Club 1 reasons of conflict 2 Click to add Title 3 Click to add Title 4 short introduction In the film the Joy Luck Club, Amy Tan describes the conflicts between the mothers and the daughters. The misunderstandings between the mothers and the daughters in the film are caused by the different cultural backgrounds and experiences. Fortunately, through painful efforts, the mothers and the daughters begin to understand and communicate each other at the end of the story, which metaphorically demonstrates the transition of the relationship between Chinese and American culture from conflicts to blending. 全片以旅美的四对华裔母女为中心,分别描述她们几个家庭近百年来的遭遇,从而对比出中国女性从受尽辛酸屈辱的祖母辈逐渐成长为具有独立人格和经济地位的新一代女性。主要情节是温明娜饰演的琼原来跟母亲有很深的误会,但当她代替已去世的母亲回中国大陆探望两个当年在抗战逃难时被迫分离的姐姐时,深深感受到上一代的苦难和割断不了的亲情。 the reasons of conflict mom chinese traditonal family,her duty:plan the daughters future,interfere in her acticities,train her daugher to become perfect person different culture backround daughter America,cherished her independent spirits and characters resented be interfered and controlled by others. the reasons of conflict Different Experience mother suffered a lot in China,wanted her daughter has a perfect life daughter wanted to be herself child bride the reasons of conflict spoke broken and limited English spoke fluent English,embarrassed her mothers English mother daughter different language


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