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    1999, 19 (1):67—72 J ournal of Tea Science   :1000—369X (1999)01—0067—06 1 2 1 1 龚淑英  沈培和  顾志蕾  周树红 1 , 310029;2 , 310008 :4 11 , 。, 100 ℃、 4 min, ; 、 , 100 ℃、 3 min 80 ℃、 5 min ; 100 ℃、 5 ~6min 。 :    :TS262.7     :B Influence of Brewing Temperature and Brewing Time on Organoleptic Evaluation of Famous Green Teas 1 2 1 1 Gong Shuying , Shen Peihe , Gu Zhilei , Zhou Shuhong 1 D ep artment of Tea Science, Zhej iang University , Hangzhou 310029; 2 Tea Qualities Examination Center of Agricultural Ministry , Hangzhou 310008 Abstract O thogonal tests on b ewing time and b ewing tempe atu e fo 11 famous g een teas f om fou p ovinces and one -facto compa ative test on diffe ent b ewing time we e ca ied out.Results showed that high quality infusion could be obtained by following b ewing tempe atu e and b ewing time:100 ℃, 4 min fo most of famous g een teas;100 ℃, 3min o 80 ℃, 5min fo pa ts of famous g een teas which we e much tende and we e olled heavy;100 ℃, 5-6min fo pa ts of famous g een teas which we e almost not olled. Key words:Famous g een teas B ewing tempe atu e B ewing time O ganoleptic evaluation , , 0  前言 , , 。 , 、 , 1997 1998 , 、 。 , :1999—02—24   :1999—03—15 : (1962—), , , , , 、 。 68     19       。 1 ∶50 , 3 , 、 1 材料和方法



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