第八章 认知与语言.ppt

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第八章 认知与语言

第八章 认知与语言 功能单侧化 对于大多数个体而言,左半球在语言功能上存在优势。两半球之间存在的这种分工差异称为单侧化。 语言的演化与生理学 人类如何演化出语言? (a)我们演化出的语言能力是全脑发展的副产品? (b)我们演化出的语言能力事脑功能专门化的产物? 有的病人拥有标准大小的脑但语言能力受损 有一个家族,三代共30人,其中16人表现出严重的语言缺陷,但是他们的智力正常。 某种基因的变异使语言能力受损。语言能力需要大脑功能专门化,而不仅仅是脑体积的增加。 威廉姆斯综合征 affecting about 1 person in 20,000. Despite mental retardation in many regards, many people with Williams syndrome speak grammatically and fluently. Affected people are poor at tasks related to numbers, visuospatial skills (e.g., copying a drawing), and spatial perception (e.g., finding their way home). When asked to estimate the length of a bus, three people with Williams syndrome answered “30 inches,” “3 inches or 100 inches maybe,” and “2 inches, 10 feet”. Throughout life, they require constant supervision and cannot hold even simple jobs. And what an elephant is , it is one of the animals. And what the elephant does, it lives in the jungle. It can also live in the zoo. And what it has, it has long gray ears, fan ears, ears that can blow in the wind. 一个年经的威廉姆斯综合征女患者所化的大象以及对大象的描述 People with Broca’s aphasia have trouble understanding the same kinds of words that they omit when speaking, such as prepositions and conjunctions. 理解复杂语法结构的句子存在困难 但是大部分的英语句子按照主---动---宾的顺序构成,即使没有介词和连词,句子语义依然清晰。 威尔尼克失语症:语言理解能力较差,记忆物品名称的能力受损,但是患者能够流畅的进行口头表达。 1. Articulate speech(发音清晰).口语表达流畅,只有在想物品名称时会有停顿. 2. Difficulty finding the right word(很难找到正确的词). People with Wernicke’s aphasia have anomia(命名障碍), difficulty recalling the names of objects. They make up names (e.g., “thingamajig”), substitute one name for another, and use roundabout (拐弯抹角的)expressions such as “the thing that we used to do with the thing that was like the other one.” When they do manage to find some of the right words, they arrange them improperly, such as, “The Astros listened to the radio tonight” (instead of “I listened to the Astros on the radio tonight”). 3. Poor language comprehension(语言理解能力较差). People with Wernicke’s aphasia have trouble understanding spoken


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