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26 2 ( ) 200 4 Vol. 26, No. 2 Journal of Xihua University (Philosophy Social Sciences) Apr. 200 # 经济与管理# 我国旅游市场低价竞争的原因及建议 1 2 刘泽仁 李 博 ( 1. 西华大学经济与贸易学院 四川成都 610039; 2. 四川大学吴玉章学院 四川成都 610064) :我国旅游业仍是一个 低价竞争为主的低级旅游服务市场, 存在着诸多问题,严重阻碍了我国旅游业 的发展文章对旅游市场低价竞争的内涵及表象低价竞争的社会经济文化原因 及如何走出低价竞争的怪圈 形成多赢格局等几个方面进行了相应的探讨, 有利于改变我国旅游市场现状, 进而推动我国旅游业的协调发展 :旅游市场; 低价竞争;行业监管; 诚信服务 :F59018 :A : 16 2- 8505(200 ) 02- 0021- 02 Th e Cause and Suggest ion of Low Pri ce Comp etiti on in Tour ism in Chin a 1 2 LIU Ze2ren LI Bo ( 1. School of Economics and Tr ade, Xihua Univer sity , Chengdu , Sichuan , 610039; 2. School of Wu Yuzhang, Sichuan university , Chengdu , Sichuan , 610064 Abstr act: Tourism in China remains a low2grade service market with low price competition, where many problems block its de2 velopment. The article analyzes domestic tourism from several aspects: the connotat ion and conception of tourism with low price com2 petit ion; analysis of social, economic and cultural factors; the ways to go out of the vicious circle of low price competition and to form t he multilateral benefit pattern, on the purpose of improving the current situation and promoting the harmonious development of tourism. Key word s: tourism; low price competition; t rade supervision; honest and credible service , , , , , , ; , , , / 0 , , , , ,


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