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20 10 2 6 CON STRU CT ION TECHNOLOGY 39 2 5普通混凝土长期性能和耐久性 能试验方法标准6GB/T 50082-2009简介 1 1 1 1 1 冷发光 , 戎君明, 丁 威 , 田冠飞 , 周永祥 , 1 2 1 1 1 1 纪宪坤 , 何更新 , 韦庆东 , 王 晶 , 鲍克蒙 , 田 凯 ( 11 中国 筑科学研究院, 北京 100013; 21 全国混凝土标准化技术委员会, 北京 1000 13) [ ] 56G B /T 50082-2009, 20 10 7 1 , GB 82-85 , , , [ ] ; ; [ ] TU 528 [ ] A [ ] 1002-8498( 20 10) 02-0006-04 Introduction of Revised Standard f or TestM ethods of Long-term P erf ormance and D urab ility of O rd inary Con crete GB/T 50082-2009 1 1 1 1 1 Leng Faguang , Rong Junm ing , D ing W e i, T ian G uanfe i, Z hou Yongx iang , 1 2 1 1 1 1 J i X iankun , He Gengx in , W e iQ ingdong , W ang J ing , Bao Kemeng , T ian Ka i ( 11 China A cademy of Build ing R esearch, B eji ing 100013, Ch ina; 21 N ationa l Techn ical Comm ittee on Concrete of Standardization Adm inistration of China, B eij ing 1000 13, China) Abstract: The national standard of Standard f or test methods of long-term erf ormance and durability of ord inary concrete GB /T 50082-2009 w as approved, and it w ill be mi p lem ented on u ly 1, 2010. M eanwh ile, the orig inal national standard of GB 82-85 w ill be abolished. The preparation background and summ ary are introduced. The several mi portant test m ethods rev ised in this version are also introduced in brief, such as anti-freeze test m ethod, seepage he igh t m ethod, and anti-chloride perm eab ility test a


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