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欧洲肠外肠内营养学会肠内营养指南 欧洲肠外肠内营养学会(ESPEN)肠内营养指南于2006年刊登在《临床营养》( Clinical Nutrition)杂志上,为临床营养支持的应用提供了科学依据。该指南采用苏格 兰学院间指南协作网(SIGN)分级标准,A级推荐的内容为荟萃分析或随机对照 研究的结果,B级推荐为描述研究、比较研究的结果,C级推荐为专家意见。 适当的营养支持可以帮助重症患者度过严重疾病导致的高分解状态,通过管饲 的肠内营养(EN)是目前重症患者摄入营养物质的主要途径。ESPEN指南对营养 支持的应用、途径、和营养制剂配方做出了循证推荐。 Clin Nutr. 2006 Apr;25(2):210-23. ESPEN Guidelines on Enteral Nutrition: Intensive care. Kreymann KG, Berger MM, Deutz NE, Hiesmayr M, Jolliet P, Kazandjiev G, Nitenberg G, van den Berghe G, Wernerman J; DGEM (German Society for Nutritional Medicine), Ebner C, Hartl W, Heymann C, Spies C; ESPEN (European Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition). Department of Intensive Care Medicine, University Hospital Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany. Enteral nutrition (EN) via tube feeding is, today, the preferred way of feeding the critically ill patient and an important means of counteracting for the catabolic state induced by severe diseases. These guidelines are intended to give evidence-based recommendations for the use of EN in patients who have a complicated course during their ICU stay, focusing particularly on those who develop a severe inflammatory response, i.e. patients who have failure of at least one organ during their ICU stay. These guidelines were developed by an interdisciplinary expert group in accordance with officially accepted standards and are based on all relevant publications since 1985. They were discussed and accepted in a consensus conference. EN should be given to all ICU patients who are not expected to be taking a full oral diet within three days. It should have begun during the first 24h using a standard high-protein formula. During the acute and initial phases of critical illness an exogenous energy supply in excess of 20-25 kcal/kg BW/day should be avoided, whereas, during recovery, the aim should be to provide values of 25-30 total kcal/kg BW/day. Supplementary parenteral nutrit



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